Here is Target Forge's new filter recommendations for small compressors with discount codes
How do you connect the hoses onto the Carette? It was unclear from the video. Is there a top exit to the gun or tank?I run joes water separating filter on my Hill ec3000. It also contains molecular sieve and filter it insure the air is clean and dry.
Also in uses a pressure maintaining valve.. this make sure the air passing through the filter is at a minimum pressure..
This insures the molecular sieve is working at it's best!! It is almost as good as the purifier on my W31
Hi Pat,How do you connect the hoses onto the Carette? It was unclear from the video. Is there a top exit to the gun or tank?
I got something similar to that after I asked about operating it and connections. Mine came to me with the top nut and bolt “loose” so I asked, via emails)about what that meant or what did I need to make adjustments( since I didn’t have instructions). I was told to “open” the top nut and adjust to between 1700 and 2100 psi. It worked the opposite way as instructed.I ask about changing the sieve and disassembly instructions. Got this from him a couple days ago...
Molecular Sieve should be changed every 15 hours of use in the hotter, more humid months, and every 25 hours of use in colder, drier months. If you are only averaging 15-25 hours of use yearly, you can change it about every 20 hours of use.
To change the desiccant:
1) Locate the break in the black body about 2 inches from the top of the unit. Twist top counterclockwise from the bottom and remove the aluminum inner core.
2) Locate the felt pad and C-clip on the bottom of the inner core. Remove the clip and felt pad to release the desiccant.
3) Pack new desiccant in snug, but do not apply pressure. Reinstall the felt pad and c-clip. Desiccant should not rattle inside inner core.
4) Re-insert inner core into black outer body and hand-tighten