target stand on wheels

The game of field target requires you to know your point of impact at every yard from 10 to 55. I can't set up that many targets. I tried taping a target to a cardboard box tied to a string and pulling the box from far to near toward me, stopping to take shots at known yardages but the box would hang up on stuff, turn over or slide crooked. Radio Flyer red wagons are crazy expensive and I don't have an RC car. Enter a piece of old bed frame, a little angle iron and lawn mower wheels from the hardware store and a welder.

Pulled by 50 lb. test fish line, this little gizmo my wife dubbed "Moon Rover" rolls over uneven surfaces, high grass and steers straight towards me whether on flat ground or on a slope. Folds up for easy transport/storage too.

I tape a piece of white paper containing a couple dozen felt pen "bull's eyes" to cardboard slipped into Moon Rover. Works perfect and I don't have to hold up other shooters while I move targets.



wyshadow, yes, I start at the furthest range and work my way back, pulling it closer to me after each shot. Some of the easiest field targets to miss are between 10 and 20 yds. where target "kill zones" are tiny and pellet trajectories are rising quickly before flattening out. I'll shoot at 5 yard increments from 50ish yds. back to about 23 yds. where I begin shooting at 2 and then 1 yd. increments all the way to 10 yds. and I'm done.
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Nice idea...just put a pulley at the farthest range and another at the closest range, add a continous loop of heavy string and attach one string end to the front and the other end to the back of your target holder. Which ever side of the loop you pull on will move your target stand closer or further away. Made one similar many years back for my range...your looks much nicer though !!!
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The game of field target requires you to know your point of impact at every yard from 10 to 55. I can't set up that many targets. I tried taping a target to a cardboard box tied to a string and pulling the box from far to near toward me, stopping to take shots at known yardages but the box would hang up on stuff, turn over or slide crooked. Radio Flyer red wagons are crazy expensive and I don't have an RC car. Enter a piece of old bed frame, a little angle iron and lawn mower wheels from the hardware store and a welder.

Pulled by 50 lb. test fish line, this little gizmo my wife dubbed "Moon Rover" rolls over uneven surfaces, high grass and steers straight towards me whether on flat ground or on a slope. Folds up for easy transport/storage too.

I tape a piece of white paper containing a couple dozen felt pen "bull's eyes" to cardboard slipped into Moon Rover. Works perfect and I don't have to hold up other shooters while I move targets.

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My friend and i am contemplating a zip line for a target, from the shed to the container at 55 M distance, not CUZ we shoot FT but it is more easy than doing the walk to put up fresh papers there.

Also the load bearing line / cable is free as the previous owner of the farm, seeming have put up a 3 mm steel wire as the top wire on the electric fence, so our plan is to repurpose that, and then have some paracord to pull the target back and forth, using a battery powered drill.

This way we should be able to have a tort line, so my friend can zip around on his lawn mower and not risk decapitation.

BUT ! it is at best a " next year " project.
I just use political signs and pastie targets. There should be a new crop of signs available soon. I just borrow them complete with wire frames, shoot them up and put them back where I borrowed them from. I am equal opportunity.

The company that did some concrete work for me put up their sign during the work. He found it full of holes. Not sure how that happened, I was careful to peel off all the sticky targets!
The game of field target requires you to know your point of impact at every yard from 10 to 55. I can't set up that many targets. I tried taping a target to a cardboard box tied to a string and pulling the box from far to near toward me, stopping to take shots at known yardages but the box would hang up on stuff, turn over or slide crooked. Radio Flyer red wagons are crazy expensive and I don't have an RC car. Enter a piece of old bed frame, a little angle iron and lawn mower wheels from the hardware store and a welder.

Pulled by 50 lb. test fish line, this little gizmo my wife dubbed "Moon Rover" rolls over uneven surfaces, high grass and steers straight towards me whether on flat ground or on a slope. Folds up for easy transport/storage too.

I tape a piece of white paper containing a couple dozen felt pen "bull's eyes" to cardboard slipped into Moon Rover. Works perfect and I don't have to hold up other shooters while I move targets.

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Weren’t you shooting with some crazy folks…who doesn’t shoot every yard…but just shoot a minimum of five approximate distances ( spaced evenly from 10-55 yards) then extrapolate the in-between distances by plotting a graph? and creating a dope sheet.

I bet those graphing folks need to take a closer look at your system.

Cos I hear you are kicking their butts.
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Very cool…that’ll make a shooting session move along nicely!
I was so lucky to score this. I don’t think their on the market, but should be.
Two, three years ago a guy from Toronto made a handful of these because he didn’t like the walk. I’ve only used it twice but worked like a charm. Just no time for paper yet. Need more practice.
Push remote target pops up. Hit again it drops. Hit remote again next new target pops up. Etc.
Attach that baby to r1lover’ moon rover. You’d be taking back stuff you didn’t even steal. Crow