Understandable consideration. One of the most common rifles used for years by the Alaska Natives to take Caribou was the 22 magnum. Utilizing a 30, 40, or 50gr projectile, they will typically produce between 300 and 330 fpe. garnering clean ethical kills. This last weekend my Taurus tested out at 380fpe shooting a 185gr slug on a 3600psi fill. Bob, Mr Hollowpoints tests on his own Taurus showed that she peaks in delivered energy using somewhere around a 193gr projectile.
Brian has assured me that there are owners of this model in the south who are getting over 400fpe on a 3800-4000psi fill.
I am fairly certain, that with proper shot placement along with a good range, she will have no problem living up to the task at hand.
The problem that I have with some of the rifles that you’d mentioned are size and weight. While they may be solid performers in a blind style hunting situation, they are nothing that I want to carry for spotting and stalking in the open Alaskan terrain. And in comparing the trajectory produced by the stock Bulldog .457 to the Veradium Taurus .357—the .457 projectiles are like lobbed softballs.