Epic teardown and barrel slugging of epic 2

My buddy Steve just uploaded 2 great videos on the epic 2. Since there was so much info, it made for an extremely long single video. So we decided on 2 seperate vids just under 30 minutes each. Steve does all the recording and editing work. I don't know how to bring these youtube videos here, But others do. They are under "air velocity sport", Part 1 is the teardown. part 2 is slugging barrels and shooting groups. If anyone can upload them here from youtube, great! Otherwise, check them out and enjoy on youtube.
I look forward to watching these. I almost picked one of these up from EdgunWest when he had them on sale, but they don't offer a barrel length that I want. I wish they offered a size between 12" and 21". I want more efficiency than a 12" offers, and I want a shorter rifle than what the 21" barrel requires - bummer. They look like really solid rigs!
The click ball on my hammer spring adjuster have a tendency to back out, so need to put something on the grub screw thread to "lock " it in place.

PS: the guy pushing out the cross pins in the cocking linkage, there is a reason they are threaded and the rifle come with a long 3 mm bolt, you insert that / screw bolt into the 2 cross pins in the linkage and fish them out the hole in the top.


I would not use names here CUZ it also took me a little while to figure out what the hell that long 3 mm bolt was for.

Adjusting dwell timing on the valve on my .177 700 mm Two, i found going either way a little did not matter much, and going too far was no good.
Too far = 1 mm

So at least on a long Two i find that adjustment a bit flawed, and so i do not touch it
but it is my understanding sub12 airgunner gained a bigger shot count by adjusting that screw, but he also had a compact version.
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It was difficult to rule one barrel better than the other because we got hit with wind so many times and that location is a gully, subject to horrendous cross wind effect. We would both kill to have an indoor airgun only range. LOL!
That is the problem with shooting outdoors. I am having the same problem right now even in the dead of night when it's calm. There are still light currents and those currents , depending" are enough to move the projectile as it travels down range. You can light a match and let it die out and watch the smoke move and swirl in what you think is dead calm. I'm going to take the gun out in just a bit ( after I have a drink or two on Friday night) , light the range up and see what I can do.
47 minutes later. It looks promising. Cleaned the barrel ( really clean). Filled the air to 300bar
Loaded the magazine with thirteen Altaros 32.3 grain ( .217) atp smooths. The Uragan 2 King has a 13 round capacity, in .22 caliber. Not 12.
The first sighter hit dead center POA. The second shot " hole in one-ed" the first shot. I think I have my zero for slugs.