Tequila Gun PCP

Not for me thanks.
To me, a pistol...should remain...a pistol, not a "wanna-be", carbine.

Would much rather see the "bullpup" worked out.

I think with the current cocking mechanism it's almost impossible and very awkward to have a 'bullpup'. Now the stock on a pistol, I don't mind it and for old shaky people it might help, yes defeats the purpose of a pistol though, eye of the beholder and all that stuff.
I like the folding stock much more than the bullpup. The pup just looks like it's missing some things. Longer barrel, longer airtube, more substantial cheek rest. Stock looks like it could be sturdier or more contoured? Probably functions just fine as is. But does absolutely look like an after-thought in many ways. Just my opinion.
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Final bullpup configuration. Using my own compact suppressor.

The additional parts look good, but "different " with the short air cylinder and barrel. Offering a longer air cylinder and barrel with these parts as a kit would be ideal. It would allow more shot count and barrel length for additional power and accuracy. Needed if your still planning on doing .25 caliber.
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The additional parts look good, but "different " with the short air cylinder and barrel. Offering a longer air cylinder and barrel with these parts as a kit would be ideal. It would allow more shot count and barrel length for additional power and accuracy. Needed if your still planning on doing .25 caliber.
I have a .30 ready to be shippe, but if you want a .25 I can do one for you.
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I went out and got sighted in at 25 yards, rested, with a fill at about 3800psi I got 15 shots at 638 fps with a spread of 16fps STD Dev. of 5.5, using Crosman 14.3 hp's. This speed is maxed or darn near close for this pellet, was smacking a large pellet lid pretty good once I got my red dot adjusted. Regulator seems to fall off at 1500 psi.
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Many of the European countries are the same. Ask the British shooters how fast they are allowed to shoot pellets.


Ask the German shooters with how many foot-pounds of energy they are allowed to shoot pellets....

In words: six.

6 FPE is the maximum power allowed in Germany. 😖

The attempt to get a gun license and hunting license would send you down a treacherous path of
● months of studying for a college-level graduating exam,
● spending a four-digit amount of money, and
● trying to prove to a gang of gun haters why in all that is holy would you need a bb gun with more than 6FPE. 🤷🏻‍♂️

HogKiller was needing a 6-letter word to describe the fools making the gun laws in Canada...?

➔ Well, to describe their German colleagues HogKiller might consider using a whole string of expletives....

It's easy to forget how the US with its 2A is far ahead of most other countries in the world. 👍🏼

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