I did have other words, but didn't want to get dinged. I'm behind enemy lines, this is a quote from some San Jose PD swat guys that trained me, in CA, I'm sure at some point the geniuses in Sack-0-Tomatoes will focus on air guns in their quest ofAsk the German shooters with how many foot-pounds of energy they are allowed to shoot pellets....
In words: six.
6 FPE is the maximum power allowed in Germany.
The attempt to get a gun license and hunting license would send you down a treacherous path of
● months of studying for a college-level graduating exam,
● spending a four-digit amount of money, and
● trying to prove to a gang of gun haters why in all that is holy would you need a bb gun with more than 6FPE.
HogKiller was needing a 6-letter word to describe the fools making the gun laws in Canada...?
➔ Well, to describe their German colleagues HogKiller might consider using a whole string of expletives....
It's easy to forget how the US with its 2A is far ahead of most other countries in the world.
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