Tequila Gun PCP

You need to "open" the cocking lever, using the "hammer" (sorta resembling the hammer) part of the gun...right ? When you opened...the lever, do you use your thumb ?

When you were cocking the gun...do you "continue" to use your thumb when completing the cocking action ?
I've found that just using your fingers on the front part of the "arm", the cocking can be a bit tough. But when you continue to use your thumb on the back part of the lever, and just pivot the arm around it's pin, it makes the cocking MUCH easier.

And have you put any oil on the gun ?
A few drops of oil here and there (trigger, cocking lever mechanism all of it), REALLY helps this gun work notably easier. ALL pivot and sliding points.
I use Lucas Gun Oil (red) on all of my PCP's. Also, in some high load locations, I use the Lucas Fishing Reel Oil (blue). It's a little thicker than the Gun Oil.

Talk to Alfonso about his muffler. It's a 3D part (plastic), and yeah, MUCH lighter than any aluminum one. See the picture on my gun above.

Have fun.

Hey Mike,

I’ve been using my thumb to prop the “trigger” lever open but then just using my fingers on the long arm, so will try using both. And I didn’t add any oil to the piece because I’m paranoid now about oils (almost pressurized the tube on my Bulldog 357 after using regular Crosman oil to install a depinger; had to disassemble again to clean it). I too use Lucas oils on my powder burners, so will treat the entire cocking mechanism as you recommend.

And I also ordered one of his printed cans, should arrive next week. Thanks!
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Been using the Lucas oil for 15+ years on my firearms, and now my pellet guns. Always been red. I wonder if your blue was mislabeled ?
I've bought it several times, probably been using it for at least 10 years, always been blue. Even got some freebie packets somewhere and they were blue too.

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Hey Mike,

I’ve been using my thumb to prop the “trigger” lever open but then just using my fingers on the long arm, so will try using both. And I didn’t add any oil to the piece because I’m paranoid now about oils (almost pressurized the tube on my Bulldog 357 after using regular Crosman oil to install a depinger; had to disassemble again to clean it). I too use Lucas oils on my powder burners, so will treat the entire cocking mechanism as you recommend.

And I also ordered one of his printed cans, should arrive next week. Thanks!
Just a note, unless you are using really low flashpoint oil you wont' have any issues. I'm a huge fan of Mobile One on everything, embroidery machines, AR's, Air Guns, locks, what the heck ever. I've tried to get it to diesel with zero success, the flash point is way way higher than we develop in our air guns. It's one and done for lube. I really need to buy stock in the company.
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Just a note, unless you are using really low flashpoint oil you wont' have any issues. I'm a huge fan of Mobile One on everything, embroidery machines, AR's, Air Guns, locks, what the heck ever. I've tried to get it to diesel with zero success, the flash point is way way higher than we develop in our air guns. It's one and done for lube. I really need to buy stock in the company.
Me too. Have used used Mobile 1 in my bikes and cars since the mid-1980's.

I used to have a "44 Auto Mag". A .44 Magnum semi-auto. Like the one that ol Clint Eastwood had in "Sudden Impact".
It was sorta poorly designed in that all of the guns material makeup was Stainless Steel. BUT, it was the SAME grade...stainless steel !! That's NOT a good idea. Also the way that the bolt was situated in the frame was a VERY weak point.
Anyway, not even Mobile 1 could stop the galling of the bolt and the frame. GM Posi lube additive finally worked.

Back to the Lucas oil. If a firearm isn't gonna set off the Lucas oil, a pellet guns isn't.
Looked it up...flash point is - 415°F (or 425° !), Should be fine in a pellet gun.

ALL - Notice the color listed below

Lucas Oil Products 10006 2 oz Liquid (Clear) Red Original Gun Oil
BrandLucas Oil Products Inc
Boiling Point>500 deg F
Flash Point425 deg F

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Me too. Have used used Mobile 1 in my bikes and cars since the mid-1980's.

I used to have a "44 Auto Mag". A .44 Magnum semi-auto. Like the one that ol Clint Eastwood had in "Sudden Impact".
It was sorta poorly designed in that all of the guns material makeup was Stainless Steel. BUT, it was the SAME grade...stainless steel !! That's NOT a good idea. Also the way that the bolt was situated in the frame was a VERY weak point.
Anyway, not even Mobile 1 could stop the galling of the bolt and the frame. GM Posi lube additive finally worked.

Back to the Lucas oil. If a firearm isn't gonna set off the Lucas oil, a pellet guns isn't.
Looked it up...flash point is - 415°F (or 425° !), Should be fine in a pellet gun.

ALL - Notice the color listed below

Lucas Oil Products 10006 2 oz Liquid (Clear) Red Original Gun Oil
BrandLucas Oil Products Inc
Boiling Point>500 deg F
Flash Point425 deg F

I've used M1 on BCG's if that doesn't abuse the H out of something it never will. My embroidery machines run at 850 rpm 6hrs a day, use to have to lube them daily or some times hourly now it's...once a month. I LOVE the stuff.
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Ok gang, here’s my observation as promised.

Was a gorgeous fall day in south Texas, and temps were around 70. Set the pistol up for “bench” testing using cheap pellets available at Wally World (Crosman Piranha 14.3gn) because those are easily available. Target was placed 8yds away from the table.

Had two flyers but was able to put the remaining 8 shots in an OK group. I say “OK” because I’m fairly certain I could have done better if I could have seen the irons. My half-century-ish eyes with glasses had trouble with the three hollow point sight picture, but that’s easily remedied by adding some .080”/2mm fiber optic refills that can be had for less than $10 (confirmed size with Xolotl and placed an order on a major auction site today). Of note, the piece came zeroed from Xolotl; no sight adjustments were needed for me (aside from having trouble seeing the empty holes lined up).

Cocking the piece was a little difficult, so hopefully that will get easier as that mechanism gets worked more. The magazines are very high quality, and actually contain no plastic (I thought they did but after loading them they don’t). They are easy to load and worked well, and I only had a couple of cycling issues which I chalked up to what looks to be a roller pin on one of the mags that was protruding out slightly. I just took a brass gunsmith hammer and tapped it back in flush (close-up pic of the roller pin on a mag below).

I found the piece to be a little front heavy shooting it offhand with a Donny Tatsu moderator, but it was still manageable. My wife, who is a very good shot with a 45ACP, thought the same.

In summary, this is an unbelievably high quality one-off piece. The difference in quality and fit/finish between this and a Reximex RPA pistol I was also shooting is easily noticeable, but then again the Tequila Gun is not mass-produced. The price point appears to be in the middle of the relatively few PCP pistol options available on the market, but none of them share the classic look and grip feel of Browning’s masterpiece.

In the end, this pistol appears to be worth every cent given the quality and results obtained from it. The true test will come over time where I’ll eventually be able to see how this piece holds up performance-wise, but if my initial impressions are any indication I fully expect the Tequila Gun to be an outstanding performer for years to come.

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Two words, cheap red dot., ok maybe 3. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5RJQ3P4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I cheat even more with a shoulder stock. If I can't screw this gun up any more than I have you'll be fine.
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Me too. Have used used Mobile 1 in my bikes and cars since the mid-1980's.

I used to have a "44 Auto Mag". A .44 Magnum semi-auto. Like the one that ol Clint Eastwood had in "Sudden Impact".
It was sorta poorly designed in that all of the guns material makeup was Stainless Steel. BUT, it was the SAME grade...stainless steel !! That's NOT a good idea. Also the way that the bolt was situated in the frame was a VERY weak point.
Anyway, not even Mobile 1 could stop the galling of the bolt and the frame. GM Posi lube additive finally worked.

Back to the Lucas oil. If a firearm isn't gonna set off the Lucas oil, a pellet guns isn't.
Looked it up...flash point is - 415°F (or 425° !), Should be fine in a pellet gun.

ALL - Notice the color listed below

Lucas Oil Products 10006 2 oz Liquid (Clear) Red Original Gun Oil
BrandLucas Oil Products Inc
Boiling Point>500 deg F
Flash Point425 deg F

I found the difference. Mine is "Extreme Duty" Gun oil...

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Hmm, I wonder if the "Extreme Duty", gun oil is actually the "Fishing Reel" oil, repackaged ?
As I noted, it's slightly thicker, and I assume has some sort of extra protectant from rust. It's also, VERY light blue, almost full transparent (mine is anyway).

Thanks for your clarification.

This is fairly dark blue and not at all transparent, so I don't think it's the same as the reel oil. It definitely has rust prevention as a quality (Mobil 1 has little to none - excellent lubricity, but I quit using it when I was in Oregon because it seemingly did nothing to prevent rust).


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Used my apparently blue Lucas oil as suggested, and the cocking action is much better. I’m sure it will improve over time.

I added some real bone grips from one of my real 45ACPs, and it looks awesome. I’m blown away (no pun intended) at what Xolotl just decided to accomplish one day years ago.

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Good to hear.

Nice grip panels too.

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This is fairly dark blue and not at all transparent, so I don't think it's the same as the reel oil. It definitely has rust prevention as a quality (Mobil 1 has little to none - excellent lubricity, but I quit using it when I was in Oregon because it seemingly did nothing to prevent rust).

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Even the water in Oregon rusts. Not sure anything stops it. I haven't had any issues to note but then I don't have eternal wetness in my area of CA. Maybe I'll have to take a chunk of steel, coat it then get it wet and see what happens.
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Just a heads up, I'm chatting with a company to make me a custom leather holster for my TG. Mine has a red dot on it. They would like to know the interest in just a plain holster, I don't want to get too deep in it right now and they may come back and tell me nope not doing it.
Well all of the places that said they would make a holster said no, and the rest just said no. I WILL SUCCEED.

Hey Xolotl answer my PM PLEASE... I have another project.
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