AEA Tested smooth bore Zues 72 today!

Aluminum wasn't fancy enough so I thought why not make a transfer port out of titanium! It turns out titanium is just a little bit harder to work than aluminum... :)

It's almost ready to fit in the opening. This is a lot of work lol. About 1 hour on the belt sander, maybe 12 hours of hand filing and 2 hours of the dremel using carbide bits. I know for sure my neighbors hate me right now! :D
View attachment 412454so after 2 shots my zeus transfer port exploded... so I spent about 10 hours so far making this one by hand out of aluminum lol. I used a belt sander, hack saw, dremel, and a lot of files. My hands are sore and I'm about half way there. I also have ordered several kinds of metal pins to try out that are thicker than the 2mm stock pin.
Good ole aea.......

That's from the smooth bore zeus at 15ft. That's a 1.5" shell filled with steel #1 shot. The problem is trying to get the shell to release the shot and not leave as one solid piece like it did with that big hole above the pattern.
I'm trying to find a way for the card wad that keeps the shot in the shell to be blown off easy but still leave the shell intact so it doesn't fall apart in a pocket or pack.
Until I find a place to do this close to my house I can only try this once in a while inside my house so progress is slow.