RAW Rapid Tethering the RAW HM1000x, but at what pressure?

Does it matter what pressure I set the tethered pressure at on my RAW HM1000x? I am guessing the bottle reg is set to 140-150 bar on my .25 cal so can I set any pressure above that or will there be a tuning difference with different pressures? The way I am looking at it is the tethered tank is basically just extending the tank on the rifle so as long as the pressure is above the reg pressure on the rifle there should be no difference.
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True since your RAW is regulated and the tether is going into your guns reservoir not bypassing the regulator. If your gun was not regulated then it would effect FPS, so, you are correct! 🤗 tethered just gives you many more shots as it will fill your reservoir when set pressure goes below set point. Awesome for long shooting sessions 👍. Enjoy shooting your awesome RAW!
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