Day 1.
50Y BR qual round. The following advanced to the finals Sunday Morning: TC = Team Centercut.
1. Bill Miller (TC) .22 RAW
2. Robert Buchanan. .22 Daystate Red Wolf HP
3. John Tafoya. .22 FX Impact
4. Bobby Corcorran .22 Daystate Red Wolf HP
Speed KYL final results.
1. Derrick Wall. .30 Vulcan2
2. Steve Montgomery. .22 FX Royale 400
3. Mike Bricker. .30 Vulcan2 Tactic
All three TC
Tomorrow is 100Y BR qualification rounds (qual at 100 yards not 75) and Benchrest Silhouette
Edit: added gun and caliber.
Steve and Derrick rocking the Speed KYL Finals. Bill, Bobby and Ron Robinson in the background
50Y BR qual round. The following advanced to the finals Sunday Morning: TC = Team Centercut.
1. Bill Miller (TC) .22 RAW
2. Robert Buchanan. .22 Daystate Red Wolf HP
3. John Tafoya. .22 FX Impact
4. Bobby Corcorran .22 Daystate Red Wolf HP
Speed KYL final results.
1. Derrick Wall. .30 Vulcan2
2. Steve Montgomery. .22 FX Royale 400
3. Mike Bricker. .30 Vulcan2 Tactic
All three TC
Tomorrow is 100Y BR qualification rounds (qual at 100 yards not 75) and Benchrest Silhouette
Edit: added gun and caliber.
Steve and Derrick rocking the Speed KYL Finals. Bill, Bobby and Ron Robinson in the background