That little old Crossman M1 full auto carbine.

I wanted to go out , and shoot today , but my Vevor air compressor gave out.
I was going to shoot my multi -pump little .177 M4 , but thought 15 shots times 10 pumps each is 150 pumps.
Then that did not sound like much fun , so I picked up my M1 carbine that I bought online from Walmart keeping my fingers crossed it would come working. It did. I went out back after loading the 2 CO2 cartridges with a drop of pell gun oil on each one , and smeared a little silicone grease on the O ring of the piercing rod. Loaded up the BB resivoir to full set the selector lever to semi-auto , and fired a few rounds. Then switched to full auto , and quickly pulled the trigger , and let go to simulate a 3 round burst. Then I pulled the magazine loader out tipped the rifle back , and forth to load another 25 rounds. This time I just held the trigger down, and emptied the mag in a few seconds. Now that was fun. No worry's about dime size groups or accuracy.
Just pelting that cardboard for fun.
I figured out when it won't fire anymore, and there's not enough air to cycle the bolt you can pull it back by hand , and get about 10 more really weak shots.
That won't even go through the cardboard. It was great I had fun
Had to , and always will wear safety glasses when shooting. Nip skin did a video I seen , so I had to have this little full auto carbine . Happy Shooting everyone.