The 1949 Sheridan “B” PCP Super Grade - gruesome ghastly pics…chipmunk 💥

I decided the model B needed to go out for a walk today. We were may be 100 yards down the path when I spotted this guy. He was only 12 yards away. He took it hard. I would not have found him without Penny, I thought he went down in the gorge. She gently brought him to me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such carnage on a chipmunk. It looked like a guy dying in a World War II movie who had been hit by machine gun fire, it was flying backwards.

Someone with a lot of money converted this into a PCP many years ago. I was expecting to receive an absolutely mint condition model B…Instead I’ve got the rarest model B in the history of the world.

It shoots JSB 15 grains at 28 foot pounds.

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