The $2000 dollar gun.

Acquiring better shooting skills has probably figured into only about 5% of my gun purchases over the years, if that. These days 90% of the guns I buy are simply for my own entertainment. I like to shoot and I like cool guns, but I've largely given up on the pursuit of the ultimate in accuracy. IMO, continually pursuing sub-MOA accuracy really only makes sense for competition. Minute of angle really is more than adequate for everything else and I'm largely satisfied if my PCP's and rimfires can shoot MOA at 50 yards and my bolt action centerfires can do it at 100 yards.
Yeah, I have (4) RAW HM1000x’s now, so that’s $7.5K+ on just the guns 🫣.
Because they’re a simple platform, I enjoy modding them as I please, making them the best they can be.

-> If I couldn’t get 1 MOA or better (25%/50% of the time) at 50/100 yards, I would consider my Time/$$$/Efforts wasted 🤷🏻‍♂️.

RAW HM1000x - .177 cal..JPG


RAW 3 - Blue.jpg

RAW - .25 Cal..JPG
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Been down this road a few times. My take is your priority should be a consistent and easy air supply, either tanks or compressor (preferably both). I've had expensive compressors and cheap ones, they are always the weak link since the cheap ones break and the expensive ones make you anxious. The best option for me was having several tanks and a good compressor along with a decent filling station 15m away.

Second, while the inexpensive scopes are a good value, once you use an expensive scope you'll be spoilt. It doesn't make good economic sense to pour lots of money into something that only gives you marginally better results but I still can tell. Athalons and Vortexs are good values but I really love the Nightforces I've had.

Third, I do not like to tinker so I've enjoyed traditional RAW 1000s from Martin and Daystate Wolverines. I like Foster refill valves otherwise the Daystate Huntsman would also fit in there. The Steyr and FX Impact I've had were painful to work on and always needed attention. The other FXs I've had were fine but I think they are way overrated and under built for what they are. I did have a synthetic short barrel FX Crown MkII that was an awesome gun though. I've bought and sold almost 100 different air rifles and pistols, high to low, which has made me a conservative traditionalist.

Finally, once you get it all together it does get a bit boring and repetitive to shoot so darn well everyday, entire magazines into ragged holes time after time. Honestly for a $2000 heirloom I'd get a high end tuned springer with a custom stock and classic (older) Leupold crosshair scope and shoot the heck out of it, create some patina and develop your skills.
FX Crown Continuum MKII in what ever caliber you want. Laminate stock has nice weight for stable bench shooting plus you get a 700mm barrel for long range shooting if you choose.
Ditto. I have the synthetic stock, and caliber change kits from .22 to .30.....Love this rifle
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