This challenge was brought about by a joke of a thread pertaining to shooting groups. What I propose is that you sit/lay prone shooting in one of the three AFFTA classes; Hunter, Open or WFTF. Shoot two or more ten shot groups from your chosen position then post them here.
On this linked page: http://www.aafta.org/ you will find the rules, classes and positions/equipment allowed for each class. I will allow attached bipods to be use, I will also ask that you keep it to .22 and close to 20fpe just to keep things fair for everyone who participate.
Today I shot five, ten shot groups at 25yd using the WFTF seated position, an custom Air Arms S500 shooting AA 8.4gr pellets at 770fps with equipment allowed for the class.
These were shot top left and right, then bottom left and right, finishing with the center group:
Thanks for checking it out and I hope you will join me in the challenge. John
On this linked page: http://www.aafta.org/ you will find the rules, classes and positions/equipment allowed for each class. I will allow attached bipods to be use, I will also ask that you keep it to .22 and close to 20fpe just to keep things fair for everyone who participate.
Today I shot five, ten shot groups at 25yd using the WFTF seated position, an custom Air Arms S500 shooting AA 8.4gr pellets at 770fps with equipment allowed for the class.
These were shot top left and right, then bottom left and right, finishing with the center group:
Thanks for checking it out and I hope you will join me in the challenge. John