Snowpeak The best place to purchase a Snowpeak PCP in United States is ______________________________.

The best place to purchase a Snowpeak PCP in United States is ______________________________.
I was also wondering where to buy a 35 caliber M4 clone and the (Umarex Zelos - a perfect German made clone of M4 is only offered in .22 & .25 caliber). I was told the SnowpeakM60b is equal to Umarex Zelos clone but available in 35 caliber which will save me over $2000 dollars and with German quality if I can switch the .25 caliber Zelos barrel to a .35 caliber barrel or find a dealer of SnowpeakM60b's 35 caliber model... Thanks to all for ANY help...
Canada's Airgunarcheryfun is awaiting shipment of .177, .22 and .25 (No .30 or .35) Snowpeak M60Bs from China. US price is expected to be $575-580, if pre-ordered, a 10% discount is applied. The M60Bs will come standard with 350cc aluminum tanks. Carbon Fiber 360cc and 420cc are optional, fine print says extra US $105 for carbon fiber upgrade, but not which one. Also, fine print not clear if moderator is extra for US customers or included. WM
Also waiting on a shipment of the new and yet untested Max 1.

Some pre-orders are supposed to get theirs this month.

-- Matt
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