Congrats Mike, I didn't realize you'd picked up a LC110. I have the same compressor, 4-stage version with about 2 hrs run time so far. Same experience... smooth, quiet and fast.
Since the issues of reliability and longevity have been raised in other threads, I just wanted to share something I came across. When I first received mine, I spent a lot of time reading in dive forums because I was researching filtration and whatnot. One thread I was reading caught my attention so here's the quote:
"Rust and corrosion form when the system is not purged and run without pressure to cool and eliminate moisture. There are two main causes of compressor malfunctions --
1st is not running the compressor with no load after filling at high pressure to cool the cylinders and drain the high pressure water saturated air.
2nd Is not running the compressor at least once a month to warm it up and keep it lubricated and "putting it away hot"
Corrosion and oxidation occur when you don't use the compressor enough. I have had compressors run over 2000 hours with only oil changes every 75-100 hours, but they were run 10 to 20 hours every week.
Take a shot guys!!!
Jim Shelden "
I also read posts in those forums by guys who bought used compressors that had sat for months on end without use and ended up having to do minor rebuilds. Since reading the former, I changed my method of filling my tanks. At 4400-4500psi, I close the tank valve, open the purge valve on the tower and let it run at least 2-3 minutes with no load. Like a cool down walk after a 3 mile jog, then shut it off. I also turn it on and run it at least every 2 weeks, even if I don't need to fill my tank. I just fire it up and run it with no load for about 5 minutes, just to get the compressor oil flowing through all the guts.
I'm sure many here already know this but for me it was news and rings of common sense so I'm tossing it out there.