FX The FX Cyclone

Dear sir,
Sorry for asking so many questions.
The Air Cylinder Adaptor Connector- 11032 is stiff and I can't remove it.
Can I remove it by turning it counterclockwise? I don't think I can turn it right, but too hard to turn...
Depressurize the gun by firing it safely. Cylinder screws off ccw. Use a nylon strap wrench to break it free if needed. Don't forget to check the O-ring and replace as needed. Lubricate the brass threads and mating surfaces.
Depressurize the gun by firing it safely. Cylinder screws off ccw. Use a nylon strap wrench to break it free if needed. Don't forget to check the O-ring and replace as needed. Lubricate the brass threads and mating surfaces.
Thank you very much for your reply.

I managed to remove it. It was very very hard.
I replaced the O-ring (2528) of the 11011 main valve pin, and 11507 rubber steel washer.
However, the No. 17 (2023) valve seat was very hard to remove, so I gave up replacing the O-ring (2529) there.
Hopefully this will stop the air leak.

And the cover of the 11505 pressure gauge is cracked, so I'll try buying a new one on Ali Express. If it's good, I'll let you know.