I am noting that Most posting in these conversations are indeed KNOWN shooters in the game and some have achievement credentials to validate there contributions being sound based on years of actually FT competition.
I really don't see why the pushback from some still exists .... Most WANT TO GROW this sport. This Winning or Getting overall high score bragging rights is a Smoke Show presented by some being the reason we are shooting the FT game ... Huh ?
Sure we would like to do well, but reality is you need to be a better marksman than the other guy ... on the same day ... on the same course !!
What tools your afforded to use is a By Class Issue only ..... YOU STILL HAVE TOO BEAT THE COURSE AS AN INDIVIDUAL best you can.
If there is a class where higher scores are being shot ? .. So what !! If thats your class and not doing well, then work at your game within class rules.
Every other class weighs them self similar .... Not everyone gets to be THE Dog
but even then most are happy to be just part of the pack and have fun with like minded buddies.
If a class is found too easy, change class, Too hard, change class ..... REALLY THAT SIMPLE.