N/A The low power pester part 2 with different desire

Received a generous amount of help and suggestions regarding this specific purpose compact pester. I've formerly settled it down to 3. Since then, I have reviewed many videos, and have removed 2 and added 1. Based on my current preferences my candidates are now these:

1 BRK pathfinder
2 Airmaks Krait

Both have rock solid accuracy both over and under 12 FPE. Both have nice, compact size, good weight. Airmaks appears to have worked out their early reg issues. Now residing in USA, there is no power restrictions, both would be out of box at about 26 FPE give or take . My desire would be to tune either one down to about 18 FPE. I know the BRK pathfinder has a transfer port adjuster. I don't believe the krait has any external adjuster. However, I would simply adjust either to where I want them by reg or HS combo and leave it. Also nice to be able to power either up down the road if desired.

Here is the question, since both are available in sub 12 foot pound version, they should both accept a tune down without losing accuracy? Just need to balance the reg and HS to keep the harmonics proper. I am aware their are lower power out of the box candidates, but I like having the higher shot counts and flexibility to move power up if desired. Or do the sub 12 foot pound versions have different designs?
Out of curiosity, why the pathfinder over the atomic? Your specifications were for light weight and compact. The pathfinder is neither. It’s basically a shorter version of the sniper xr with less power. The atomic is everything you’re looking for, unless you want more shots per fill. Either comes with a down side. More shots per fill/more weight. I guess it’s a trade off, but honeslty, the atomic got plenty of shots for a hunter platform. A lot of us chase shots per fill, instead of realizing most hunting trips where these type of guns are used, you’ll be lucky to get through 1 magazine, let alone your air supply. Carry a buddy bottle or a compressor in your truck, and go back and top off if you’re having a good day. Not much to it.
I’ve had a few platforms over the years. This year I bought a used Concept XR 22 and feel it’s the best pesting rifle I’ve ever had because of the adjustable TP. On my he fly power is huge for me. I don’t know if it will be a mouse or raccoon at my feeder at night when my camera alerts me. I tuned mine with 18gr.

867 30FPE
830 27FPE and much quieter than full
715 20FPE
500 10FPE

For me this works great. I know the reticle holds for all my power levels. I use a PARD DS35 so I have profiles adjusted if I have the time to change them also.
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Out of curiosity, why the pathfinder Krait over the atomic Katran.
Fixed it for you... The Katran seems more analogous to the Pathfinder==> Not a bullpup, also a folder, but lighter in weight than the Pathfinder.

Curious as to what was your unmentioned #3 that you eliminated was.

Can you share what "this specific purpose compact pester"... what the 'purpose' is, again... just kind of curious.


Fixed it for you... The Katran seems more analogous to the Pathfinder==> Not a bullpup, also a folder, but lighter in weight than the Pathfinder.

Curious as to what was your unmentioned #3 that you eliminated was.

Can you share what "this specific purpose compact pester"... what the 'purpose' is, again... just kind of curious.


Honestly, I hope for all our sakes the reg and quality control issues are gone, but my krait was not a spark of confidence when I had it. Much prefer the brk offerings.
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Looks like the standard bottled Krait has an externally adjustable regulator. I have no personal experience with Kraits..... yet. Pathfinder comes with lots of good feedback. I have a Commander XR, which is the same rifle with a longer barrel and larger bottle. TP adjustment is very handy for tuning ammo and/or noise as needed. Loves CPHP'S on lower power settings.

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Honestly, I hope for all our sakes the reg and quality control issues are gone, but my krait was not a spark of confidence when I had it.

What era was your Krait?

What issues did your Krait have?

Reason I ask, is I am considering an Airmak's Katran 'Standard'... It's a ways off though, since I just bought a Uragan2 and think the next purchase is going to have to be a Huben GK1.


Fixed it for you... The Katran seems more analogous to the Pathfinder==> Not a bullpup, also a folder, but lighter in weight than the Pathfinder.

Curious as to what was your unmentioned #3 that you eliminated was.

Can you share what "this specific purpose compact pester"... what the 'purpose' is, again... just kind of curious.


Raw microhunter was the 3rd. I bumped the brk ranger for the pathfinder for more shots/ fill. Needed for pesting? No. But more fun for my friend with plinking. Excellent question though!
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Out of curiosity, why the pathfinder over the atomic? Your specifications were for light weight and compact. The pathfinder is neither. It’s basically a shorter version of the sniper xr with less power. The atomic is everything you’re looking for, unless you want more shots per fill. Either comes with a down side. More shots per fill/more weight. I guess it’s a trade off, but honeslty, the atomic got plenty of shots for a hunter platform. A lot of us chase shots per fill, instead of realizing most hunting trips where these type of guns are used, you’ll be lucky to get through 1 magazine, let alone your air supply. Carry a buddy bottle or a compressor in your truck, and go back and top off if you’re having a good day. Not much to it.
While true, there is also the plinking aspect for both myself and my friend. The krait is a pound lighter with an anti double load. But I’m honestly deadlocked on these 2 platforms. Limited funds or I’d get both brococks and the krait to FAFO, lol! And part with the lesser outfit. But have to be judicious with my choice.
@rangur1 , have you considered an AGT Vixen? I’ve owned two Atomics and they are fine rifles indeed. I bought a Vixen from Tony and asked him to detuned it to 585 to shoot CPHPs at 585 and it arrived spot on. It’s lighter than the two guns you are considering, the trigger is AWESOME and MUCH better than the Atomic can ever hope to be. The Vixen’s accuracy trumps the Atomic with its CZ barrel. The best part is that it gets 145 shots on a fill before it’s off the reg. Its truly a phenomenal gun for barn pesting. BTW, it didn’t shoot the CPHPs as well as AA Falcons until I got a couple thousand pellets down the pipe and then it started shooting the CPHPs pretty darn good.
@rangur1 , have you considered an AGT Vixen? I’ve owned two Atomics and they are fine rifles indeed. I bought a Vixen from Tony and asked him to detuned it to 585 to shoot CPHPs at 585 and it arrived spot on. It’s lighter than the two guns you are considering, the trigger is AWESOME and MUCH better than the Atomic can ever hope to be. The Vixen’s accuracy trumps the Atomic with its CZ barrel. The best part is that it gets 145 shots on a fill before it’s off the reg. Its truly a phenomenal gun for barn pesting. BTW, it didn’t shoot the CPHPs as well as AA Falcons until I got a couple thousand pellets down the pipe and then it started shooting the CPHPs pretty darn good.
I had this platform on my radar but knew it had a noise issue. Isn’t that where the behemoth mod came about? Or was that for the Leshey?
@rangur1 , have you considered an AGT Vixen? I’ve owned two Atomics and they are fine rifles indeed. I bought a Vixen from Tony and asked him to detuned it to 585 to shoot CPHPs at 585 and it arrived spot on. It’s lighter than the two guns you are considering, the trigger is AWESOME and MUCH better than the Atomic can ever hope to be. The Vixen’s accuracy trumps the Atomic with its CZ barrel. The best part is that it gets 145 shots on a fill before it’s off the reg. Its truly a phenomenal gun for barn pesting. BTW, it didn’t shoot the CPHPs as well as AA Falcons until I got a couple thousand pellets down the pipe and then it started shooting the CPHPs pretty darn good.
I’ve never been a fan of the buttstock being a bottle. Makes me nervous. Call it a preference, but hey, that’s just me. While I haven’t shot a vixen, I can’t see how the trigger could be that much better than an atomic with a trick wall trigger job. Also the LW barrel on the atomic is pretty dang accurate with everything I put down its throat,so can’t confirm the CZ barrel is more accurate either.
I’ve never been a fan of the buttstock being a bottle. Makes me nervous. Call it a preference, but hey, that’s just me. While I haven’t shot a vixen, I can’t see how the trigger could be that much better than an atomic with a trick wall trigger job. Also the LW barrel on the atomic is pretty dang accurate with everything I put down its throat,so can’t confirm the CZ barrel is more accurate either.
I had the same trepidation with the bottle against my face as you do but AirForce has used this design for a long time and I have never heard of any kind of failure or bodily injury.

As far as triggers there is no comparison. I have one of Derric’s Ghosts and the trigger is OK and the best it can be with the Ghost and Atomic design but it’s apples and oranges. The Vixen trigger is FAR superior.

Yes the Atomic is accurate and I am not dissing it at all but the Vixen is a notch above at least comparing the two Atomics I (owned) and now 2 Vixens I currently own.

Granted YMMV…
I had the same trepidation with the bottle against my face as you do but AirForce has used this design for a long time and I have never heard of any kind of failure or bodily injury.

As far as triggers there is no comparison. I have one of Derric’s Ghosts and the trigger is OK and the best it can be with the Ghost and Atomic design but it’s apples and oranges. The Vixen trigger is FAR superior.

Yes the Atomic is accurate and I am not dissing it at all but the Vixen is a notch above at least comparing the two Atomics I (owned) and now 2 Vixens I currently own.

Granted YMMV…
To your defense, I’ve owned many Leshiy 2’s which technically have the same thing, AND someone had one explode on them, so hey, I’m kind of being a hypocrite bringing it up.