The new Yong Heng is quite marvelous....

I was finally able to set up and test my new Yong Heng today. It was delivered about a week or so a go. I must say I'm a bit impressed and quite happy. I was very skeptical of these little compressors but no longer. The oil that I had ordered is still in transit so I used some of the Royal Purple SynFilm 100 as it was readily available. I guess I'm breaking it in with the R-Purple. But the oil that I will use going forward, as soon as it arrives, will be the Seco Lube 500 that I ordered from Filter-Techs. I'll change the oil straight over to that as soon as it gets here.

But the Yong Heng works wonderfully. All I did was fill my Marauder several times this afternoon. It took like less than two minutes to fill from just under 1K PSI to 3K PSI. Too fast......I'm not used to that!! It has me wanting to get a small tank now also. Seriously, it is really nice and a very simple little machine. I have already ordered some spares off of EBay that should be here in about a month, says the'll be on a slow boat from China for sure. But I really think that I spent my money well on this Yong Heng. Time will tell what mileage I get out of it, but if something breaks or wears out at some point this thing is obviously easy to work on. I don't think I'll be experiencing buyers remorse over this purchase. I actually think it will be the catalyst that nudges me into more PCP related purchases.........BTW....I also have additional air/water filtration that I will get set up later. 




I appreciate all the sharing of knowledge that is available here on things like the Yong Heng


Where did you get your yong heng from what kind of price ?

I bought mine on line from Walmart of all places. They offer a 3-4 year warranty if you want. But, most importantly they are a certified Yong Heng dealer. Which means that if you buy through them you will get the real thing and not a clone. I paid $292..............very much worth that in my opinion.
Congrats on your new found freedom to shoot a lot. 

Make sure you purge the compressor every five or less minutes when its running and change out the little cotton filter every twenty minutes or so of run time. If it's not too wet you are good to go and just set it out to dry and use later. If it is really saturated you need more filtration or moisture will be getting into your guns.
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Where did you get your yong heng from what kind of price ?

I bought mine on line from Walmart of all places. They offer a 3-4 year warranty if you want. But, most importantly they are a certified Yong Heng dealer. Which means that if you buy through them you will get the real thing and not a clone. I paid $292..............very much worth that in my opinion.

So... I'm on the Walmart site right now looking at these. They show 4 of them all different prices. I'm wanting to get one that has the ability to set the shutdown pressure on it. Which one of these darn things is it? Is it the "Set Pressure"? Very confusing actually.
Do any of you run any kind of air drying filtration system on these?

The version I have has a small water seperator and cotton filter from the factory. I also use a 2nd larger water seperator because I am filling in high humidity conditions sometimes.

Mine does also but my father made me a air dryer intake system that dries the air entering. So far it seems to stop all moisture from entering the compressor 
Where did you get your yong heng from what kind of price ?

I bought mine on line from Walmart of all places. They offer a 3-4 year warranty if you want. But, most importantly they are a certified Yong Heng dealer. Which means that if you buy through them you will get the real thing and not a clone. I paid $292..............very much worth that in my opinion.

So... I'm on the Walmart site right now looking at these. They show 4 of them all different prices. I'm wanting to get one that has the ability to set the shutdown pressure on it. Which one of these darn things is it? Is it the "Set Pressure"? Very confusing actually.

I haven't looked at Walmart site since I bought mine. But if the pressure gage has a red knob looking apparatus right on the face of it.....that is a "set pressure cutoff" model. I did not want that model because I wouldn't use it any way.......I don't trust them. I'll just watch the pump and cut it off myself.
Stephen, Air velocity sport, hads just drop his latest* YH video, on YouTube, he has a few, all worth watching.

I've watched his videos as well. But I ran across a YouTube channel that is well worth watching if you want to see a YH totally disassembled, repaired and reassembled. The channel is Sambo Cotton. The guy is in Britain. But he totally disassembles one on his table........for me it was very informative because, if I see......I can then do. Check his videos out on the YongHeng.