N/A The PCP has to compatible with the scope.

No matter which PCP we are talking about nor which scope either.

In order to feel comfortable with the rifle, you have to mount on it an adequate scope for the kind of use you will give to the rifle.

It is not the same need the one on EBR than the need of getting a quick aiming point for hunting.

A bad selection of scope will make you not to feel comfortable with the rifle, even if it is the very best rifle you could have bought.
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I would agree that all things involved need to be in harmony, the rifle, its tune, the scope and the shooter. As well as there is rarely 1 scope for all conditions.

My next scope purchase will be something with a lot of field of view and not too much magnification nor weight, something around 2-8x and sub 16 oz would be up my alley, for conditions I don't need to reach out really far or be too precise. Certainly wouldn't use that scope at EBR!

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The lesson I learned is that weight doesn't matter until it does. The Marauder, for instance, is an 8lb chunk of wood and metal. When I first got mine, I bought a scope without thinking about the weight. It wasn't terrible by itself (about 24oz), but add a poor choice of scope rings that were really too high, and the gun just felt top and front heavy. Fully decked out with a bipod and we're talking 11 or 12 pounds. Ok on the bench, but it really sucked for offhand or walking around.
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The lesson I learned is that weight doesn't matter until it does. The Marauder, for instance, is an 8lb chunk of wood and metal. When I first got mine, I bought a scope without thinking about the weight. It wasn't terrible by itself (about 24oz), but add a poor choice of scope rings that were really too high, and the gun just felt top and front heavy. Fully decked out with a bipod and we're talking 11 or 12 pounds. Ok on the bench, but it really sucked for offhand or walking around.
This makes a world of difference carrying and shouldering a Marauder: Monstron offset rings on Amazon to clear the magazine with a short scope, & the stock is chopped off an inch before the checkering and about an inch off the back, then it's stripped of factory pained finish, sanded and stained/final finish.

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It is the shouldering of the rifle and not having the center of the scope being perfectly in line with your vision where most people feel uncomfortable. This is because they have to move their head to find good scope sight picture alignment. A scope with a perceived "bad eyebox" is generally fixed with a set of rings that are of the correct height to match the cheek weld and position of the eye.
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This makes a world of difference carrying and shouldering a Marauder: Monstron offset rings on Amazon to clear the magazine with a short scope, & the stock is chopped off an inch before the checkering and about an inch off the back, then it's stripped of factory pained finish, sanded and stained/final finish.

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I got rid of the scope completely. It is now a decently balanced 30 yard squirrel skull basher.