And finally!!!!!!
I’ve got my new toy..... ok got it a few weeks ago but still

... if I did’nt try it first what could I tell you?
First of all RTI made aftermarket parts like an extended buttpad wich enable you to adjust the hammer spring, a piccatinny rail with 20 moa kant for the long distance shooter, adjustable regulator, and also a regulator for pressure tubes and also adjustable from the outside!!
the trigger is totally different from the old one, it is three way adjustable and great! ( the old one was really not bat at all either) valving is different (can’t realy tell what) spring guide in the hammerspring, and a slightly different magazine, the new one enables you to load the pellets and guide them in with youre thumbnail... if you shoot the JSB Express in .177 ( a light and short pellet) but I don’t think this will be the case for you “power hunters” ) you must push the pellet a bit further or while cycling the bolt the dome of the pellet wil fall short in the mag and wil be pushed back, with a pellet pusher this wil not be happening.... the express pellet was the only pellet wich gave me this problem..... and that was ultimitly the only problem!
at the 50 meter ( 55 yard) indoor range at 12 footpound I shot a 0.39 inch group wich is the size of a pinkie nail?
But I will use it for FT shooting so made a hamster, and a cheek rest, and bought a nice excentric surpressor/moderator!
somebody told me no pics, then it did’nt happen
Made father and son hoody’s ....