The REAPER Project (.30 FX Bobcat Mk2)

This goes back a couple of years. The first high powered PCP I bought in 2017 was a used .30 FX Bobcat Mk2 I shot thousands and thousands of rounds with that gun, and eventually ended up shooting EBR and RMAC. So after not doing that great at EBR 2018, I shot the "Terminator" at the RMAC 2019 and again didn't do that great. But later on that year, I shot it at EBR 2019 and won the Sportsman Class 100-yard event. Well, since part of the first-place prize was any Daystate of my choice, I got a new .22 Red Wolf HP (Bleu). Knowing that I would probably not give the gun a fair shake with the Terminator around, I sold the Terminator to another AGN member the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020. Time goes on and I always missed my .30 Bobcat Mk2. So late this past Summer, Derrick @zx10wall told me he was selling his used .30 Bobcat after he won a TexTreme FT event with it in June in Clifton Texas. So I snatched it up, and decided to upgrade it a bit similar to what I did with the Terminator. 

Here is the Terminator that I shot at EBR 2019


And here below is The Reaper. Super accurate, about the same as the Bobcat that I had sold. I even won the Extreme FT event in AZ with The Reaper this past November (14 shooters). Nothing that special in the tune, Huma Reg set at about 150 bar, Titanium oversize valve seat (6.3mm), polished everything, resealed gun, installed Athon Midas TAC scope with ScopeWerks Dial-a-Yardage, set to shoot JSB 44.75 at about 875 FPS and 40 shots per 250 bar fill. Custom "GRIMM" hydro dip, DonnyFL Tanto moderator. Pics below:




Nine shot magazine, prone at 50 yards


Nine shot magazine bucket and sticks (Hunter FT style) at 91 yards. 