The Ring Challenge

“The Ring Challenge”

Shoot 30 rounds through a 1” circle at 50 yards and hitting the white area only using 18+gr pellets and below. Video of target must be zoomed in and out after all the shots have been made.
You can confirm by shooting sighters before the 1st shot on target is made and no sighters after 1st shot. Wind compensation is allowed. 👍

Rifle: 🇵🇭GCMAG MAGNUM Gen 2
Barrel: 🇵🇭 GF1000
Pellets: Sniper Diabolo Domed 18.15gr unsorted
Scope: Vector Optics Users Group - Global Sentinel X
Front Rest: Protektor Model Deluxe BB rear bag
Rear Rest: Protektor rabbit ear
Wind: less than 1mph up to 10.4mph gust (10.9 less 4% error)





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Grouping shots only

52 shots @55 yards using my Philippine 🇵🇭 made GCMAG MAGNUM Gen 2 with 🇵🇭GF1000 barrel, Sniper Diabolo Domed 18.15gr unsorted pellets, Vector Optics Users Group - Global Sentinel X scope, Protektor Model Deluxe BB rear bag as front rest and Protektor rabbit ear rear bag.

Wind: 5-13.728mph (14.3 less 4% error)
700cc tank fill: 135 to 91 BAR for 53 shots including one sighter

*shot numbers are not in order

YT video:

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Great shooting and thanks for sharing. That one flier at 5:10 that missed the card was crazy! I don’t know what was wrong with that pellet, but it was nothing like the rest or the wind gust was massive.

This string is a much better representation of what a rifle will do than the random 5 shot group we see when people ask what does your rifle average.
Great shooting and thanks for sharing. That one flier at 5:10 that missed the card was crazy! I don’t know what was wrong with that pellet, but it was nothing like the rest or the wind gust was massive.

This string is a much better representation of what a rifle will do than the random 5 shot group we see when people ask what does your rifle average.
Thanks! That one flier was caused by a sudden wind shift. This should be done in light wind conditions (5mph and below) in order to determine if a certain batch of pellets is good out of the box or needs sorting. I’m using alternative brand pellets because JSB imported to my country are 💩💩💩.
The good batches of JSB’s are 2017 and older.
55 yards 65 shots

The Ring Challenge @55 yards 65 shots

Philippine 🇵🇭 made GCMAG MAGNUM Gen 2 with 🇵🇭GF1000 barrel, Sniper Diabolo Domed 18.15gr unsorted pellets, Vector Optics Users Group - Global Sentinel X scope, Protektor Model Deluxe BB rear bag as front rest and Protektor rabbit ear rear bag.

*Ballistic-X shot sequence not in order

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