HW/Weihrauch The Whooper - HW77

Hi everyone!

I wanted to post an update to my HW77 journey. This rifle has been a real treat. I replaced my shattered factory spring with a Vortek kit this week. The results are pretty fantastic!

Accuracy did not improve, and I didn’t really expect it to. The rifle has been a very consistent 10 shot - 2.5 moa performer since I got it. That didn’t change all throughout the factory spring’s life, and hasn’t changed now with the Vortek kit.

While I had it apart, it got a cleaning and lube job. It feels like a million bucks again. Tight and slick. The shot report could best be described as a ker-snick! Much improved over the un-shattered factory spring. From the factory, the gun was like holding a baseball bat when a ball hits the tip of the bat. Youch!

Anyways, enjoy some pictures! The group is 5 shots, standing unsupported at 20m.



I am dubbing this one “the Whooper” after the namesake swan, Finland’s national bird.

With a long barrel, like the long neck of a swan, it just seems fitting. In Finnish folklore, it is said that the Whooper is the messenger between the living and the dead. Let’s see if I’ll need to deliver any messages this season!

Thanks for reading, have a great one.

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