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The Winners of the ThorMolds Giveaways are...

Hey @Spinach, you won!!! I feel like I won something. Congrats to the other two winners as well. Thanks to Thor Molds for putting up the goods and AGN for facilitating the giveaway.
Thanks, 👍.
As a swage dies user already I'm excited to develop my skills and range.

Thanks to ThorMolds and AGN , 2 lucky guys plus myself are happy today.

Now the waiting is killing me, what's left.😉

Have a good day all, Gary
I wanted to give an update on my experience with Thor Molds Press. On May 8th 2024 I received the Thor Molds Press. Unfortunately the die was wrong size. I had ordered a custom sized die in .3063 caliber and the die I received was .30745 , the slug was so tight in the barrel the pin to seat the slug put a hole in the slug

You can see in the images the slug in .3063 is the AVS slug I had been shooting, the slug in .30745 was made from the thor molds press and die I received. Whatever, poop happens and they said they would remake the die and I should have it around May 22nd.

May 24th I emailed them asking for an update and the 26th I finally got a reply saying it would be another 2 weeks.

It’s June 19th and I haven’t heard from them or had any updates since June 3rd.

At this point I would never recommend Thor Molds



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Looks like Pavelow is also taking a long holiday. 😉
My first shooting related prize win, ends up being slow torture. 😂

Pavelow, joined forum May 30, 2024. Last seen June 7th.

Guy won a decent prize, hopefully he is ok.

In the meantime I am totally in limbo.
Excited to see what my potential prize is.

Your thoughts on this @Michael ?
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I want to apologize to everyone on the forum and to the generous sponsor of this contest, ThorMolds. I don't wish to diminish my failure in watching for the results and assume full responsibility, but for some reason I'm not receiving alerts from the forum.

If I'm too late to still be the second place winner, that is 100% my error.

Thank you.

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I want to apologize to everyone on the forum and to the generous sponsor of this contest, ThorMolds. I don't wish to diminish my failure in watching for the results and assume full responsibility, but for some reason I'm not receiving alerts from the forum.

If I'm too late to still be the second place winner, that is 100% my error.

Thank you.

Pete, no need to apologize. It's life.

I apologize to all for my excited impatience, life.

Enjoy your second prize, I'm happy with the 3rd prize.

Michael informed me you chose your prize , good choice.👍
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