Theoben Theoben Rapid Rifle Pics

There was one on the AOA site a few weeks back that I was a day away from buying...... but it was sold a day before I sent them money.

I do agree that I like this topic as well! I have an original Theoben MK2 that started life off as a 25 cal rifle, as well tuned by AZ. I really dislike the bottle on the AZ rifles so I replaced it with a carbon bottle and swapped the caliber to a 22. That led me to talking with Michael, the owner of the forum, and was able to snag one of the hand built Dawson Rapid rifles. Then I did another step and bought a new Rapid from Martin and have that one set up for slugs. So I am three deep right now, and I couldn't be happier. They are SOLID shooters and a breeze to work on.

Let me dig them out of the gun safe and I will get some fresh pictures of them. Unless I can find them on my phone. :D

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Those are fantastic and you have bridged the gap nicely from classic to modern style with those 3. You know if you are three deep what cones next is number 4...
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Oddly enough I have never owned a Rapid. Always wanted to, but the right one never seemed to pop up for me. They are right up my alley aside from the plastic mags and the funky triggers on the earlier ones. I'll snag one someday, always keeping an eye half open for one.

I love seeing and hearing about them. Cool thread!
Here are pics of the recently acquired rifle from the add. It’s a .25 and is one of the last that came from the UK. Fast flow and bottom fill currently but will be getting a RAW quick fill and gauge V block . I’ve installed a 17” LW barrel. I’ve been tinkering on it for the last few days, first was to add a picatinny rail , have a working balanced valve ( FX style exposed valve stem) a lightweight hammer with adjustable silent pip. Last but not least adding a 580cc bottle.




That is a far cry from me taking my son to ace and digging through the plumbing section parts bins trying to hobble something together. Between electricasl connectors and plumbing we made a few designs that actually did a decent job on some co2 rifles we had at the time. Best of all it was fun and some quality father son time. I would like to try 3d printing.
I meant to tell you I had not posted in quite some time and when this thread showed up yeste43rday it was right place at the right time if you will. I need to read up in general and get back into the forums.....

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The design of them was the fun has been around 15 years since I used cadd. But learning fusion 360 has been fun, and when you can print and hold the item in your hands it is rewarding.

If you are looking for mags for the rapids....I have a few from Carm that work great and are about half the price of the stock mags
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