Think someone is a Scammer? - Call Me (+ How to Not Get Scammed)

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Holy crap, Now I remember why I stopped using AGN. Even one A-hole pisses me off. 

If you want to be classy and get ripped off go for it.

If you need a guy who doesn't give a crap to screen someone for you, I'll be here. I couldn't give a crap what anyone thinks of me or what I do. I'll look like an ass and waste anyone's time I want to fight scammers. I'm not going to sit back and watch. 

I haven't forgot you Big Tin. You were a jerk to me when I first started the forums.

I'm glad to see your doing well.

...going back under my rock, See ya! -Nate 

P.S. If you guys want to know what I would do to someone who ripped me off just PM me. You will be horrified.

You mean when I let you know about using those 250psi fitting on your fill station? So you didn't kill yourself? And then you sent me the PM thanking me? Or was it when I let you know that what you were telling people about the REE number on the tank and I let you know what it really was for? Ok, maybe it was the time I called you out for taking deceptive pic of a gun you were selling, not mentioning clear damage on it?
I am using ebay and PayPal since 2001 and almost got screwed last year for first time. A scratch was there that a seller did not list or did not make public.

I did not wanted to accept a condition and we got through disputes, I got my money back from ebay and ebay said to me keep the piece.

Direct bank - electronic transfer is similar, or even better. I send you the founds and releasing you a password (authorizing a transaction) only when I receive the tracking number you sent me. With a tracking number you paid insurance if any damage during shipping.

When the package arrives and any flaws we did not mention or agreed (both of us have pictures about critical details which helps) I would accept = you got a call from me. If you play stupid = I play rough = I just give a call to my bank that you wanted to scam me. The rest you can imagine...

You don't want to screw me for $200 or whatever $1000...your bank account will be blocked until you figure things out.
Would you not be a little pissed off to know that someone was playing you thinking you were a scammer, only to not even actually be interested in what's for sale? Only to hand off the transaction to another guy to start all over with the questions?

Holy crap dude. Who is talking about playing people? I can tell you have alot of free time on your hands. I don't.

Sending an email that says. "Would you accept a Goods and Services payment if I added 4%?" is not "playing someone". I'm not talking about spending all day emailing back and forth. It just takes a few sentances to get the facts. I don't need to know anything about the gun. There is no chit chat involved.

An honest person would not mind answering one email.

Just like I don't mind wearing a mask at the store. It is inconvenient but it's better than people dying of Covid. 

You guys want to turn me into some sort of wierdo for offering to help old people safely buy airguns.


P.S. The seller would not know they were checked out. Seriously? That's why I'll handle it instead of you.

You have more free time than me apparently, by keeping your tantrum going here. 

"Pretend to buy the gun" are your words, from your first post. 

Pretending to do something you have no intention in actually doing is deceitful, and a waste of time for both parties. 

Time which I don't have, contrary to your accusations from the post above. 
Thank you Kevin23,

Same with paypal really, even goods and services... Its against paypals terms of service to use it to purchase or sell an airgun.. I have heard of a scam on the buying end with paypal, where the buyer puts something in the notes that isnt what he is buying and hopes the seller doesnt catch it. say "flatscreen tv" or something.. then when the seller ships the air rifle to the buyer, the buyer takes a bunch of pictures and contacts paypal saying that is not what they ordered and the seller shipped them a gun which is against paypal rules. Paypal voids the transaction and locks the sellers account for 30 days due to TOS violation, buyer gets their money back and keeps the gun... Its hitting the knife world right now too, paypal decided last year that knives other than packaged retail cutlery sets or tools (fillet knife, lathe tools, box knife, etc) are weapons and scammers are taking advantage of it. 

This is what I was talking about in my response above and is the reason I don't even have a PayPal account. I don't believe I'd use it other than for gun items.

You have to lie to PayPal about what you're selling and "hope" the buyer doesn't inform PayPal that the actual item they were trying to buy was a "gun" and that "gun" wasn't as described. Then you're S.O.L. on your merchandise it sounds like.

"" - I'm still hoping someone can provide some updated info that there are better protections in place than when this was first offered to us as an option. I don't even see it pasted as a sticky any more. 

I was starting to feel like there was something really wrong with requesting USPS money order or Cashiers Check for my ads, but after reading all this I'm not that concerned about it any more. I used a Cashiers Check to purchase my IZH pistol last summer with no issues. Yes, a little apprehensive sending off $500 to a stranger, but, I corresponded by email and ended up talking to him on the phone a couple times before sending any money. I suppose I got lucky, but everything went well. That time. When I bought my FWB 603 I purchased it from Carel in the Netherlands using "Transferwise" now called just "Wise" I believe. Set up an account with info similar to setting up a Krale account, entered the dollar amount I wanted to transfer (using my credit card), it charged my card the amount and he had his money and then sent me the gun. Worked great. 

Here's a link to "Wise" if anyone's interested: 

(The link isn't working right. Click on link here to the left, when page loads, click on "Wise" on left upper corner.)

I haven't looked into it, but maybe this may work for us in the CONUS. I know it works from USA to the Netherlands. I don't know if we could do USA to USA?

If my small items sell.....great. If they don't, I'll give them away to my shooting buddies or, well, I don't know what to do with them. Trash can? Anything else sounds better than this.

That's unfortunate because I was hoping to do a trial run with these couple small items to see how selling online goes (Remember, they're my first online sales here.) because I have a couple nice guns, a FWB 603 & an AA S510 Ult. Spt. XS-FAC I hoped to list here for sale later to fund the purchase of a new gun. 

I always use CC with my PayPal account and never got any money there, unless someone paid me bigger amount then for next few days or weeks I pay everything with PayPal money to drain account down and If I need pay for something where I need protection I select my CC as a payment through PayPal, your CC will take care of you better than anyone else.


Have you fact checked that your CC company/bank to confirm they will indeed protect you from a PP transaction that went south? I ask because my CU where my CC is issued informed me they do not protect against PP transactions, and told me I have to deal with PP.

I am also a firm believer to only allow PP access to my CC and not savings or checking accounts. 
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I always use CC with my PayPal account and never got any money there, unless someone paid me bigger amount then for next few days or weeks I pay everything with PayPal money to drain account down and If I need pay for something where I need protection I select my CC as a payment through PayPal, your CC will take care of you better than anyone else.


Have you fact checked that your CC company/bank to confirm they will indeed protect you from a PP transaction that went south? I ask because my CU where my CC is issued informed me they do not protect against PP transactions, and told me I have to deal with PP.

I am also a firm believer to only allow PP access to my CC and not savings or checking accounts.

Not sure about that, you could be correct, not saying it is the best option but what I do. 
Also I don’t buy or sell a lot of stuff and file claim with my CC ones in my life so take my advice for what is worth. 
I always use CC with my PayPal account and never got any money there, unless someone paid me bigger amount then for next few days or weeks I pay everything with PayPal money to drain account down and If I need pay for something where I need protection I select my CC as a payment through PayPal, your CC will take care of you better than anyone else.


Have you fact checked that your CC company/bank to confirm they will indeed protect you from a PP transaction that went south? I ask because my CU where my CC is issued informed me they do not protect against PP transactions, and told me I have to deal with PP.

I am also a firm believer to only allow PP access to my CC and not savings or checking accounts.

Yeah most banks and credit unions dont protect that kind of stuff, ESPECIALLY if its debit card. A stand alone credit card company will back a paypal transaction, and virtually all transactions for payment. Chase is what I have for credit card (visa), and I only use that for online purchases.. they will go to bat for you and have excellent customer service. I've had a couple times when someone got ahold of my card numbers and used it, once they caught it and texted me saying it was blocked and to confirm if it was me. Automated system, just replied "NO" and they voided the card and sent me a new one in 2 days. Second time I caught it on a bill, called them up and had it canceled and a new card at the door in 2 days. I realize doing a charge back for other kinds of fraud might be a little more complex, but I cant imagine it being a hassle with as simple and as fast as they were with me. 

I have had one fraud on my bank debit card (visa with local credit union), again it was simple but a little more complex. I had to take my statement into the bank and deal with someone in an office, they pulled it up on their computer and we went through it all and there was only one fraud. I think I then had to sign a paper she printed out saying it was not an authorized purchase and she cancelled my card and printed a new one right in the bank. Took about 10 minutes to print, I had to provide ID and bank info and all that to get the card, and sign a couple more pieces of paper. All of this was for a 70 cent "feeler" charge, where the person tries the card to see if it goes through before selling the numbers I imagine. She explained since it was a visa debit card that it is a lot more complex, since the money did change hands and it wasnt "credited" in cyberspace. She said be careful using it online because there are instances where they cannot prove it was fraud and I would be charged a $50 fee for contesting a charge on debit card. This one was obvious, was in downtown NYC and like 5 minutes before I had bought gas locally so it was clear that it wasnt me. So only credit card online from now on 

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