N/A Thinking About Returning to PCPs

Now giving a very hard look at Kalibrgun Cricket II. I'll be calling Charlie Frear to get the latest. I don't like heavy, but it seems that weight goes with airguns. My TX200 is very heavy. I want 30ftlb or more. I'm leaning towards .25 over .22, but for squirrels, the only thing I'll hunt with it, .22 will be fine. The fellows in UK do great with 12ftlbs and .177 on squirrels. Not real crazy about "tactical" look but the Cricket II Tactical 45 is pretty slick although I'd rather have a tube than a bottle. I know, these parameters suggest I look at something else like a Taipan (heavy).
In my opinion 12 fpe requires very careful shot placement which may be a reason brits hunt from blinds over feeders.

My P35 in 22 came tuned to a little over 30 fpe and takes squirrels great. It usually shoots through them. I have taken 9 with it so far and not one ran. Only one was not a pass through. That pellet went up a front leg breaking it in multiple places, smashed the shoulder, went through the chest and then the pellet went through the spine stopping under the skin. H&N Baracuda Match 21 grain pellet. Squirrel dropped immediately (like the 8 others). It shot JSB 18s well too but I like the grouping of the H&N at 35 yards better.
how is your woodworking? This is one of my 3 P35s in a stock I made from a piece of cherry I had left over from making my dining room table and chairs. Could have been walnut if I had that on hand or went and got some. They come with a plastic stock. About 5 lbs. The 25 would come tuned to 40+ fpe and the 22 30+. Plenty for small game in my opinion. They are less than $500 from Krale. The Stoeger Bullshark is closely related with a different stock and a 40mm longer barrel. You can find the Stoeger in the U. S.. They are regulated.

The predecessor rear cocking P15 is still available and comes in a beech stock.

The Crosman/Kral Akela comes in a walnut stock. Rear cocking and unregulated.

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Danish Modern? In all honesty, I absolutely SUCK at wood working, nahhhh, even that's too good..