This is my most dreaded forum post.

Does this question get old? To be able to PM members in Classifieds?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 70.7%
  • No

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

If someone google searchs a particular airgun they are interested in buying the Airgun Nation classified ads will come up. To me it seems like a catch 22 gotcha game, Airgun Nation shows it for sale but you cannot buy it? Why show buyers what is for sale if they cannot buy it? Seems illogical to me. So why show people what they cannot buy? They cannot buy anything without waiting. The rule disenfranises sellers and buyers by excluding people and requiring a waiting period. It is a barrier to the free market hence unAmerican IMHO. Just like a gun control waiting laws, that make you wait. Members who support for more rules to control members must be voting for gun control laws too. I never bought or sold on Airgun Nation because of rules. Everyone loses out with the current rules it is a Lose lose buyers lose seller lose who wins?
Well Mr. Spock, it’s not illogical to guys who just accept rules. You are not being teased with then denied life saving medicine. This is an older crowd for the most part on this forum. We all waited for firearms. Some of us for half our lives until they changed the waiting period. We did it, we didn’t cry because that was the rules. Or you don’t get to play. Live long and prosper.
Wait! What? Seriously?! Private forums have been this way since the dawn of the internet. Where have you been?

I can just picture a car club with the members gathered in a parking lot with their beefed up muscle cars. There's a sign that says "free membership and beer". Some yahoo in a ricer drives up, signs up for membership, and reaches in my cooler. Hell NO!!! Buddy you better bring the beer for the next few meetups before you can reach in a cooler.
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Sounds familiar so I'll restate it again for new people.

According to the tenants of AGN, the purpose here is:

"Airgun Nation is the epicenter for learning, sharing, and discussing everything related to airguns. Founded in 2015 and refreshed in 2022, we are the airgun metropolis for community and industry alike."

Buying and selling are not primary benefits but are secondary to the above purpose.
Valid point...where is a good place to buy and sell airguns? online other than a dealer?

AGN. After the very easy requirements to do so have been met.

But people want instant gratification these days, and when they don't get it, tantrums will be had. The AGN classifieds are just one very small example of the state of this.