This Starling Really Messed Up My Yard

I'm trying to figure out why your starlings sit there and the ones over here don't stop moving or bobbing their heads for a second... I know it's in slow motion but even in slow motion mine would be moving a mile a minute..I always have to shoot a moving target when they're on the ground 🤔🤔
I put some bird seed out to lure them from the nest they built in my house. I've thought about just sealing them up in the house and letting them just cook, but I worry about the smell.
Well when the squirrels crawled into my trucks engine well and chewed a hole in my fuse box $30+ to replace and nawed on the plastic firewall cover I declared war on them, I eliminated 70 last year and 20 or so this year.
I had squirrels nesting in my attic and squirrels/chipmunks chewing in my car engine well. They are pests to be eliminated. Starlings are one of 3 birds to be legally killed any time of the year almost in all states.
I had squirrels nesting in my attic and squirrels/chipmunks chewing in my car engine well. They are pests to be eliminated. Starlings are one of 3 birds to be legally killed any time of the year almost in all states.
Back in the late 1970's/early 80's, one of my uncles bought a vacation home on a lake in ohio. First summer he and his wife stayed there his wife fed the squirrels and chipmunks, they were cute and got to the point of eating out of her hand. My uncle tried to stop her. After winterizing the home at end of summer, they had a surprise in spring when they went back to get the house ready for the summer.... It was another year before they got to use the house again. Hungry squirrels without their free food made holes in the home that every 4 legged rodent used to enter the home for the winter. The interior of the house had to be gutted completely down to the studs and bare subfloor(much of which had to be replaced too). Cost him a lot of money, insurance did not cover it all. The next summer his wife said kill them all, buy whatever you need, she never fed any wildlife again in her life, even stopped using bird feeders since they attracted other things.