And for Thor, if I actually got a .2180 die, I would still be using it and not bought another setup. Lesson learned.
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Thanks again for the idea of resizing. Now if I do get another press I know exactly what size I'll need to order the die made in.The NOE should do you well then. You may find that going slightly smaller than .305 will work the best. Take a .304 and carefully polish it up to .3045
Any new information on Thormolds?I can assure you that he is suffering from illness, not being imprisoned by China
I saw in one of your comments you said the punch and die were different sizes which caused the flashing. That sucks, fortunately I don't have a problem with that. I just cut my blanks 2gn heavier than the slug and no problem with flashing. Initially my blanks were four or five grains heavier than the slug I was making and I did have some flashingAnd for the record. The heavy flashing on the slugs turned me away, not resizing. I could live with that part.
That's definitely a plus for you when resizing. Bases have to be square.I saw in one of your comments you said the punch and die were different sizes which caused the flashing. That sucks, fortunately I don't have a problem with that. I just cut my blanks 2gn heavier than the slug and no problem with flashing. Initially my blanks were four or five grains heavier than the slug I was making and I did have some flashing
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