Enough action for me tonight, but I shot and killed nothing. Instead I got schooled. When I entered the area I stalked my way in. The frogs were so boisterous it was hard to hear much, t I could hear larger animals in and around the water. When I was able to ease my way between some saplings I pulled my rifle from the scabbard and began getting my light setup upon it. As I’m standing maybe 3 yards from the shoreline a quadruped walks right in front of me. Body was too small and legs were too long to be a beaver. My guess was a possum. It paid me no attention. So I grabbed my thermal scanner to see if I could see anything else annnnd nothing. Too many trees in my way. Once I got my rifle setup I deployed my Trigger Stick
tripod. I figured some Im tired let’s use the tripod, it will allow my arm to rest more. After who knows how much time passed I started hearing activity in the water. Sometime between 11:30pm and midnite a fat beaver with a wide looking head pretty much swam in my lap I’m talking like 5’-6’ (in the circle below the arrow). I figured it would keep swimming a lap around the pond, but no! It came to repair the break I made in the dam right next to the bank earlier in the evening. I guess I was too tired to take a photo after I hole here earlier.
We looked at each other for a moment through my eye that was not trying to spot it through the ocular lens. Now I’m looking dead at the damned thing and I can’t see JACK through the scope!! I mean both eyes square to where I could send a pellet to smash her forehead dead between the eyes. I spent most of this time feeling around for the magnification wheel (no throw lever for this scope yet. Smh) and I realize I’m trying to turn the scope ring. When I find the mag ring and turn down the magnification, the beaver began to casually swim away. No tail slap. No splash or hurry. More like a stroll. I tried tracking it but was only able to go so far before it swam behind some trees.
I heard more activity about 30-40 mins later around the same trees, but no opportunities for a clean shot. I had to laugh at myself tonight. I began thinking that I should have stuck to my bipod. Maybe I would have had a chance at that shot. But the truth is I know that I have to holdover 3 MOA for a 5 yard shot the image will not be in focus with a minimum 10 yard parallax focus. Still, I know where that shot is going. I have no idea where it’s going at 6’ so it’s best I didn’t shoot. When the lightning started, I packed it up and barely got rained on running back to the truck.
Even still, I was happy to get back out in the woods. I couldn’t
wait to get out of the city so I could get back to hunting. I have traps now and I have more time, so this ought to shape up some over the next week. Tired, but I enjoyed myself. Wish I had more to share with y’all.