"spysir"10m can be a hoot.
Now while NOT a pcp I do have 2 friends who on occasion use RWS75 "10m" rigs for Field Target and score very well! Less over all power is THE way to lean wind doping.
Yes to use a sub 6fpe rig in FT you will need 220+ clicks, and, some target even when hit in the kill zone will not fall but a darn good time and everything you do, hold, breath, follow through,... MUST be the same each shot.
In the pcp "10m" rig's I only know the original P70 and yes most did pump the power all the way up to "close" to 11fpe.
Give one a try you might be shocked just how well you can shoot say 50 yards once you get the poi figured out.
And living in the middle of now where TN we do have sanctioned NRA 10m nearby as well as 4-H ( for the youth) and Boy and Girl scouts using 10m rigs as well as all the ROTC involved in college events.