Traveler arrived today around 6PM. Yipee!!.
Ordered it from MidWay on April 9th "on back-order" and expected product ship was April 18th. I said fine,as I could wait it out, if, in fact it was even real... You know it could be weeks, or, months, until you get a response to your ship date. MidWay delivered. Period.
I got an email on the 16th saying "it was on its way and would be there on the 17th. WhAT?, one day and it's here?, no way... Well it was 2 and here at, yes, 6pm Thurs. Crazy I know.
The other small details to this adventure is that if you have searched for a "Benjamin Traveler" by word on the web, MidWay comes up with a a price of $519.00 +T &S, which was very reasonable.
That is a $110 less than ANY other Legit Vendor advertising. So I thought I would wait it out and see. Well they delivered.
Patience paid off, as in a in a lot of cases it does.
My first impressions of delivery are...Pretty good. Well packed and "tight". Was intact with only one small dent/gash on the outside and all the inside compartments were solid.
I will test "My" experience with the first Fill and we shall go from there.......
Here are the first photos of what I saw. Ugh, another "opening", I know,sorry, I get it, what It is about is the shipping quality and arrival integrity ...LOL.
This is what I got...
I'm as hopeful as you all have been that have a Benjamin Traveler, and those that are searching for a great portable compressor.