Thursday and Fridays retrieved iguanas.

I believe the recovered count for Friday was at 63, with a total of 81 removed. 41 of which were poop in the first 2 hours at a public park that I have been granted permission to do the removal. And the rest were throughout the day, of which the 108yd and 110yds shots were from. I also took an iguana at 144yds but there was no way to recover hence, no post was made. On this day I primarily used my M3 .177 due to having a vast range of distances to shoot from

On Thursday I used the Notos primarily and I recovered about 45 and my buddy recovered another 73, he did a tour and some other locations of his.







16lbs is enormous for a green iguama!
It is around here! They usually top out around that weight ranger. Although a buddy of mine got a 22lb iguana 3 years ago, the head alone weighted over 2lbs!
A fun way to spend the day and make some money.
It definitely is!
That amazing , Keep them in the freezers till our buyers pick them up,
Yessir that's pretty much what we do, we had someone pick up 600lbs yesterday and 400lbs the 2 days ago.
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