Ticks! Out in the field.

I just want to reiterate the problems a tick bite can bring you.I think we all are aware of the dreaded diseases they carry.If you get a bite go get the medicine as fast as you can, better to just practice good sense, like wearing colored clothes, having tick spray, looking for the rascals when you take your clothes off., also checking out your dogs and pets.....ticks feel vibrations and can jump on you. I think the ticks were on the rats and caused the "Black Plague" Now I think it was fleas, another scum bag bug
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Just nasty man.

I got a puppy last year. He was covered in them. Couldnt get rid of them with anything. I got bit a couple times. Got them in the house. What a frickin nightmare.

Joints got bad. Felt like $h!t. Feet hurt like crazy.

Got tested and had Lyme. Also some other similar tick borne infection they couldn't identify. Antibiotics. Home deinfestation. Vet bills.

Little blood sucking demons bro. Worse than gangbangers on bath salts.
I have always worn long socks and long pants HERE IS THE KEY : turn your pant legs up and out as far as you can then spray the inside surface and the socks , now return the pant leg down like normal and spray the outside at least up to your knees . Most of the time that works out hunting or camping . Still check your whole body at the end of the day.
This stuff won't kill them but it will keep them off you. It treats your clothes, socks, shoes. Backpacks. Even sheets. Same stuff they treat military clothing with.

It works a long time too.

This is good advice! Rockey mountain spotted fever almost killed me twice in 2010...fever of 105.5* and blood clots in both lungs...difficult to diagnos...Got bit in my backyard in Tennessee...two weeks to get sick, didn't know what it was. Covid is a vacation compared to RMSF! Never been the same since.
I bet they are awful in Kentucky. Tennessee. I got a buddy from Kentucky that told me some tick tales. I guess it's a huge deal in the summer?

They are in the mountains here for sure. But the deserts just have ticks on animals. You won't get one from the environment. It's just too dry. Even in the mountains it's usually where livestock and game frequent. They are nasty and cause all sorts of disease but they rarely if ever carry lyme.

Fleas are what makes you sick here. We have bubonic and tularemia. So I'll trade you a hand full of fleas for a tick or two.
Permethrin. It is a neurotoxin to ticks, it will kill them. Soak everything you want to add protection to. The Sawyers pictured above works well. Ticks actually don’t jump like people think, so limiting exposure to places where they can attach via contact is a good first step.
As a public health announcement, a company is working on or has a treatment for tick borne diseases, they didn't specify which one so I took it as all of them. Also didn't catch if it was in a testing stage, marketed or wishful thinking, investment stage but.....here's hoping.

found it....

60 Degrees Pharma Announces IRB Approval of Phase IIA Study to Evaluate Tafenoquine for Babesiosis, an Emerging Tick-Borne Disease​

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Permethrin kills ticks and some other insects like mosquitoes. (But it does not repel mosquitoes so use DEET or whatever too). I got socks and some clothes from InsectShield when they had a sale. LL Bean sells them too. Factory infused cloth lasts much longer, like 72 washings. The spray at home stuff lasts six weeks or six washings. Our ticks are bad enough to justify the purchase of the factory treatment. Stay healthy!
I bet they are awful in Kentucky. Tennessee. I got a buddy from Kentucky that told me some tick tales. I guess it's a huge deal in the summer?

They are in the mountains here for sure. But the deserts just have ticks on animals. You won't get one from the environment. It's just too dry. Even in the mountains it's usually where livestock and game frequent. They are nasty and cause all sorts of disease but they rarely if ever carry lyme.

Fleas are what makes you sick here. We have bubonic and tularemia. So I'll trade you a hand full of fleas for a tick or two.
yeah I heard it was the rats carrying the flees with the bubonic down your way
glad to see you guys are aware and taking precautions..saw a picture of someone infected with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,it was ugly.Lyme disease can last a long time and cause permanent damage in some people.

They gave me a couple weeks of antibiotics. My symptoms went away a week or so after. So far so good.

I went to the doctor within a couple months
of the bite. I knew I'd been bitten. Most cases aren't like that. You never know you were bitten. Or you don't have immediate symptoms.

I was just tired and incredibly achy in my joints. Like arthritis. I knew I had a couple ticks attach at night because I took them off. So my doctor got 2 different tests. Positive for lyme and showing some other similar bacteria.

I only had it 3 months max. You don't want that stuff living in your blood stream 5 years before you get sick.
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yeah I heard it was the rats carrying the flees with the bubonic down your way

All little desert rodents have fleas in their ears to some extent. Larger healthy animals not so much. Little mice are tender morsels and fleas love them. We don't have rats outside of town but they get fleas too.

Fleas carrying tularemia are statewide. The bacteria that causes bubonic too. The diseases are almost identical in symptoms and treatment.

People get it. We have a couple cases of bubonic every year. 4-5 of tularemia. I know a guy that got tularemia killing jackrabbits. You can get it from a bite but swallowing a flea is a lot worse.

Lots of dogs get it from ingesting fleas from rodents. Mine did. Big swollen neck. Antibiotics and surgery. 3 weeks in a collar draining fluid. It isn't pretty or uncommon.

Deer mice have infected fleas. But they also carry hantavirus in their urine and feces. It gets airborne when you sweep and gives you a really bad respiratory disease. In some cases a Walking Dead special effects kind of bad.

Many folks get through it pretty good. Some get really bad lung hemorrhaging and go to the hospital. Some years we have a handfull of official cases. Others not.
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Ticks and fleas...
Makes you wonder what purpose they even serve on earth?
Our vet said that fleas have developed a "tolerance" to Frontline and its no longer as effictive as it once was. ???
My dogs are all still useing Fontline, have been for years, and we have never had any problems.
However I may change to a different product next year.