Ticks! Out in the field.

I'm not big on sharing my health online but I too got whollopped this spring by a black legged tick (deer tick).

It got me right behind my right knee and I found it the next day but I already had the bullseye and I went to see my Dr.


The bottom half of my right leg hurt internally with the pain one gets as the bones are growing in your teen years, that deep, moan inducing pain.

The issue is that unlike growing pains, Advil and Tylenol didn't touch the pain and I can't take the harder stuff so I suffered for 3 months and walking was pure agony.

I ended up on 2 meds, very powerful and gut wrenchingly hard on the gut. 4 months later, I feel almost 100% and the pain is gone.

My takeaway is to make sure I am wearing my treated clothing and get my wife to peek at my backside when coming in from chores. I never want to repeat this illness.
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Reactions: NorCal David
This stuff won't kill them but it will keep them off you. It treats your clothes, socks, shoes. Backpacks. Even sheets. Same stuff they treat military clothing with.

It works a long time too.

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I was driving back to Turkey Camp once after being in the woods all morning and ticks were walking up my shirt and onto my neck and I was grabbing them and flicking them out the window. This is before I knew about Sawyer permethrin so I had to have the guys spray me down with bug spray Killer when I got to camp and then I had to bomb the inside of the truck. Since we all switched to Sawyer permethrin, we have not had a problem with ticks or chiggers, and for the most part, it abates the mosquitoes.