Ticks! Out in the field.

Ticks and fleas...
Makes you wonder what purpose they even serve on earth?
Our vet said that fleas have developed a "tolerance" to Frontline and its no longer as effictive as it once was. ???
My dogs are all still useing Fontline, have been for years, and we have never had any problems.
However I may change to a different product next year.

In my experience fleas are easy to control unless it's an infestation. A bath every couple months with dishwashing liquid and I never see them on a healthy dog. A bath in flea soap kills every flea the soap touches. They will remain on the face and eyes and re infest if you don't get those too.

Ticks are another story. Flea soap does very little. Frontline or another chewable is the way to go. Works dandy.

I don't give Frontline unless there is a tick problem. Here there rarely is. A healthy dog can get a tick or two and not get infested. They may bite but not attach.

I've had good luck with dish soap only. Rarely ever do I see a flea on the dogs. My only problem has been with a new puppy I got that was covered in ticks and fleas. He was malnourished, had a sunburned nose and was in a den with other puppies. There were ticks at all stages of development on him. Eggs too.

The fleas fell right off with a flea bath. The ticks haunted us for several weeks. I gave him flea baths every few days. I checked his entire body twice a day and manually picked them off. As soon as he was old enough for a chewable he got it. That finally put an end to the ticks but they were a nightmare.

I pick up abandoned puppies often. They are usually covered in parasites. I dust them with Sevin dust (carbaryl). It's not recommended but it kills most of them fast. It makes eradicating them a lot easier. I've used it for years and vets used to recommend it. Before they go to a rescue kennel I try to clean them up as much as I can. Sevin and a soapy bath gets 99% of ticks and fleas that it contacts. They come back if not treated further. But it will save a pups life if he's been dropped off in the desert covered in ticks.
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glad to see you guys are aware and taking precautions..saw a picture of someone infected with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,it was ugly.Lyme disease can last a long time and cause permanent damage in some people.
You severely underestimate or understate the devastation of Lyme's. Have a friend who contracted it getting a ^%$# Christmas Tree....15+ years ago, imagine the worst things that can happen short of blessed death and she's got it.
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My significant other’s two youngest boys, in their thirty’s, both have the alpha gal. One’s had it for about 12 years and the other just got diagnosed early this summer. He has a freezer full of deer meat and has five hogs ready to butcher. I told him he shoulda kept that boat as he’ll need plenty of fish now. I always sprayed good but spray a little better now. I’m hearing more and more cases around here.
My significant other’s two youngest boys, in their thirty’s, both have the alpha gal. One’s had it for about 12 years and the other just got diagnosed early this summer. He has a freezer full of deer meat and has five hogs ready to butcher. I told him he shoulda kept that boat as he’ll need plenty of fish now. I always sprayed good but spray a little better now. I’m hearing more and more cases around here.

Alpha gal is the next lyme disease for sure. I have a relative with red meat allergies. Hes had it for years. He has no idea why. He went to the doctor a couple times but no resolutions.

I started hearing about it a few years back in the outdoorsman circles. When I told him a tick bite can cause it he just scoffed. It didn't much concern him.

Since then you hear about it a lot more. It's not uncommon with guys who get a lot of outdoor exposure. Whenever you discuss ticks or meat allergies someone can tell a story about it.
I have a rural property in tick central USA. I treat everything from socks to pants with Sawyer Permethrin and can heartily recommend it. I do not and never have worked for Sawyer.

My medical issues make lyme an existential threat. A billion years ago, as an entry level scientist, I worked on the development of what became the permethrin product. I can honestly say it works very well and survives washing, UV and other things for about 8wks. One jug lasts me the entire season for my outdoor clothes.

I derived great joy in killing ticks in the laboratory.
Used to never worry about tics. This spring I found two crawling on me! Now, I use this stuff every time I go shooting. Works great, no tics ever. Yuck.
I was on a fishing trip to the north branch of the white river Arkansas 20 years ago, unbelievable amount of ticks couldn't get from the truck to the river without picking up some of those bugers. We ran in to an old local man that swore the government was dropping them from air planes said he had seen them doing it and I 3/4 believed him.
I was on a fishing trip to the north branch of the white river Arkansas 20 years ago, unbelievable amount of ticks couldn't get from the truck to the river without picking up some of those bugers. We ran in to an old local man that swore the government was dropping them from air planes said he had seen them doing it and I 3/4 believed him.
Like the Gates Engineered "Skeeters"? lol
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Similar to unemployeed human "Squatters".
Squatters seem to easily locate a vacant piece of real estate, and call it "HOME".
Once "home", they create nothing but havoc, have no desire to work, don't pay rent, and have no meaniful purpose to society.
Like Squatters, I can not think of 1 benifit that ticks actually provide to humans, let alone wild life.
Snacks for Opposoms?
"Bugasalt" needs to introduce a new 7.0 version called the "TickAssult" .
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Worse than damn mosquitos here in Arkansas where I live. Little bastards are EVERYWHERE. Have to use damn near a whole can of Deep Woods Off, just to walk about 20 yards in the brush to set and retrieve targets at my GF's house. AND I KEEP THAT SMALL STRETCH OF LAND CLEAR AND MOWED DOWN!
my brother inlaw came down from N Georgia and said "in Georgia we use OFF but you guys down here need GTF OFF":ROFLMAO:
Took my son for a conservation nature hike last year around this time since it was a cool day in August, super rare. We took the dog for a 2+ mile hike. Half the trail is tall grass the other half a decently wide trail through the woods. He said lets go through the grass first. My pants were permethrin treated his were not. I failed to see the tick warning sign at the trail head. He was covered in seed ticks half way through. I felt like total dog poop for putting him through that. Stripped his clothes at the truck and soaked him in rubbing alcohol then a shower and still had to pick off 40+ ticks. Mom was fit to strangle me. He recovered after a couple weeks even with his sensitive skin. I am now a devoute believer in permethrin and keep a concentrate bottle around for my own mixing and use.