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Time to combine Open and Hunter?

Exactly, we had a new shooter we trained in Hunter PCP, ( his second match but with a lot of training). Bill Galloway's scored the overall high score on a 41.39 troyer course with wind etc. He shot a 92/100. The second highest score was in Open with 89/100 from a veteran shooter.
Bill is amazingly talented. Surgical is the word.
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At this point I'd rather just have the distances given on the score card then increase both distance and difficulty factor like in our local UFT match.

But half the FT shooters would freak out and stop coming.
this sounds interesting. Id shoot anything if they want to put a match together.
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As I recall, for northern cal, southern oregon & nevada shooters we have 2 Open shooters in the GP's generally.
This is hardly a class and with the same two individuals being the only ones. Southern cal has 3 or 4 as I recall but sporadic in making GP's etc ...

Some of the aids such as body harness's ARE NO LONGER MADE which is a major issue. Some shooters use a lap support apparatus which is a custom devise one can not purchase either.
We live in a time where folks just want to buy the stuff they need, if those devises or garments can not be acquired, most won't participate is that game.

* This is why the WFTF class thrives here in the states ... Because they the WFTF does not allow body Harness's or Lap support devices. The downfall for many shooting WFTF is the >12 fpe limit where Open is >20 fpe

Compounding this further ... If one gets into the OPEN FT class and does not have access to these stability aids there is little chance of being competitive against generally the older vet shooters that do ... So this alone is a major deterrent to even try or seriously attempt the open class.

Common sense thoughts here gentlemen.
As I recall, for northern cal, southern oregon & nevada shooters we have 2 Open shooters in the GP's generally.
This is hardly a class and with the same two individuals being the only ones. Southern cal has 3 or 4 as I recall but sporadic in making GP's etc ...

Some of the aids such as body harness's ARE NO LONGER MADE which is a major issue. Some shooters use a lap support apparatus which is a custom devise one can not purchase either.
We live in a time where folks just want to buy the stuff they need, if those devises or garments can not be acquired, most won't participate is that game.

* This is why the WFTF class thrives here in the states ... Because they the WFTF does not allow body Harness's or Lap support devices. The downfall for many shooting WFTF is the >12 fpe limit where Open is >20 fpe

Compounding this further ... If one gets into the OPEN FT class and does not have access to these stability aids there is little chance of being competitive against generally the older vet shooters that do ... So this alone is a major deterrent to even try or seriously attempt the open class.

Common sense thoughts here gentlemen.
Break out your sewing needle. I see a business opportunity here.
As I recall, for northern cal, southern oregon & nevada shooters we have 2 Open shooters in the GP's generally.
This is hardly a class and with the same two individuals being the only ones. Southern cal has 3 or 4 as I recall but sporadic in making GP's etc ...

Some of the aids such as body harness's ARE NO LONGER MADE which is a major issue. Some shooters use a lap support apparatus which is a custom devise one can not purchase either.
We live in a time where folks just want to buy the stuff they need, if those devises or garments can not be acquired, most won't participate is that game.

* This is why the WFTF class thrives here in the states ... Because they the WFTF does not allow body Harness's or Lap support devices. The downfall for many shooting WFTF is the >12 fpe limit where Open is >20 fpe

Compounding this further ... If one gets into the OPEN FT class and does not have access to these stability aids there is little chance of being competitive against generally the older vet shooters that do ... So this alone is a major deterrent to even try or seriously attempt the open class.

Common sense thoughts here gentlemen.

Yep, hardly a class anymore.
Since I started this discussion we've had the AZ state FT match. And the trend continues.

There were:
15 Hunter class shooters
8 in WFTF
4 in Open
3 in Unlimited/Freestyle

This discussion came up with a few shooters at the match. One comment was made that the Open guys have temporarily jumped to WFTF for the World's being hosted here in AZ in a few months. But looking at the 8 WFTF shooters, Ive only seen 2 of them shoot in Open in local matches in the 7 years I've been involved.

I competed in Hunter, using my $500 scope @ 16x. I missed two shots on day 1....forgot to hold over for my first offhand shot and pulled a stool/sticks shot at 50-52yards. Neither of the two were missed because I misranged them.

Hunter class shooters had the daily overall high score for both days, and the overall highest two-day total score. So Hunter has nothing to fear from being in a class with unlimited scope power, b/c that's how the Open and WFTF guys shot int heir classes.

In the last few days I've started converting my Open rig to be Hunter legal, stripping off the knee rest and the thigh rest and reconfiguring to fit the stool/sticks position better. I've been very hesitant to do this, keeping one foot in Open and one foot in Hunter for the last two years. My hesitation come from hoping something would change for Open participation, and because in my opinion I've not felt right about using a true target gun in Hunter class. BUT, after looking at some of the Hunter rigs at the match just barely, and seeing things like 15" sidewheels, and the types of padded bags attached underneath guns like used in PRS....well, the gloves are coming off and I'm ready to use my target rifle in Hunter class instead of my little truck gun.

For comparison....the gun I've been mostly using for Hunter, next to my target rifle that is headed for Hunter class.
I was talking to a top shooter who started out like most in Hunter PCP.

I asked him what made him switched to WFTF piston.


"It got too boring shooting my Steyr." He was getting 85% or more each match (closer to 90% or more most match).

If you Hunter PCP guys ever want a challenge, stop trying to change the game and come over to WFTF piston. I promise, you'll never be bored. Then you'll really experience even with all the "advantages" we have in WFTF...They are really NOT ENOUGH.


rant over...back to practicing.
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I was talking to a top shooter who started out like most in Hunter PCP.

I asked him what made him switched to WFTF piston.


"It got too boring shooting my Steyr." He was getting 85% or more each match (closer to 90% most match).

If you Hunter PCP guys ever want a challenge, stop trying to change the game and come over to WFTF piston. I promise, you'll never be bored. Then you'll really experience even with all the "advantages" we have in WFTF...They are really NOT ENOUGH.


rant over...back to practicing.

You lost me at piston. I played the springer game in field target for awhile, couple thousand dollars worth actually. Open and Hunter but always less than 12fpe.

Nothing more frustrating than a good wind read, and an accurately ranged target, and everything done right equals a miss because a nose hair was out of place. And the gun needed that one filament of nose hair worth of pressure on the stock to shoot to the same place. Not to mention broken springs and loose stock screws and piston seals failing at the worst possible moment. Oh, and trying to keep a scope from migrating down the rails.

Nah, I'll stick to classes where misses are my fault, not the equipments fault.

As for Hunter class guys trying to change the game....if anything I'd say I'm an Open class guy who no longer has a class to shoot in, so I went to Hunter.

Open is shriveling up and dying. Per the handbook, Open was the place "to advance the state of the art in the sport if field target." The reality is that Hunter has taken over that role, the handbook simply hasn't been updated yet to show the change/make it official. Hunter is rocking and rolling, when participation is the metric.
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this sounds interesting. Id shoot anything if they want to put a match together.
We just had our AZ state FT match, as usual Open, Hunter, WFTF, and Unlimited, were neck and neck for high match score. Congrats to Tony for match high score and winning Hunter.

"""Nothing more frustrating than a good wind read, and an accurately ranged target, and everything done right equals a miss because a nose hair was out of place. And the gun needed that one filament of nose hair worth of pressure on the stock to shoot to the same place. Not to mention broken springs and loose stock screws and piston seals failing at the worst possible moment. Oh, and trying to keep a scope from migrating down the rails."""

And I thought pcp's could be frustrating! Franklink, this is exactly why I didn't pursue springer all those years ago even though I won this division at least once at our club.
For sure would rather do WFTF pcp than springer.
I totally agree.
I call it the WTF how did I miss that shot class.

The beauty of this class is that you are so busy trying to figure out what went wrong that you got ALMOST no time to post on the forum.

Just kidding. it's all in fun

ohhh...haven't consider the nose hair problem (thank you)

And if you ever want to give Springers a second try (even a 3rd, 4th or 5th try). The secret is persistence and methodical trouble shooting.

I want to say it's one of the greatest experience/satisfaction/reward in the airgun universe when you can hang with a PCP for one target, one lane, or even one match.

But I suspect you already knew that.
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