I posted this on another thread about the new butt attachment rule change proposal, but also makes sense to be here too.
There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is this topic is way past the “passing discussion” phase. It's a proposal that has already been submitted to the BOG. And the BOG intends to vote on it before the start of next years FT season. The good news is they have passed the news about proposed rule changes to the match directors of the member clubs. This is a new and positive development that they are asking for input before voting, especially since Hunter class isn’t well represented on the BOG. The real question is the logic behind the request and how we should really define the classes. EVERY class of FT (even WFTF) was created as a hunting simulation game. Therefore I think naming a class “Hunter” was a mistake. The beauty and challenge of the class is to range find without massive magnification. I personally think the magnification should stay at 16X or even go back to 12X. It would be a positive thing for those that truly embrace this challenge. These attempts to make this class about simple, inexpensive, and stock equipment will only kill the class and kill a ton of enthusiasm for FT. If there needs to be a limit on the butt attachments, make it 2, 3 or even 4” from the center to a line between the ears (1” was proposed). Let everyone experiment with fitting the rifle to their body and improving their shooting comfort without going overboard with something that goes over the shoulder or wraps all the way around your arm. Now then, what do we do with those that want extra magnification? The simple solution is to allow bucket and sticks in the open class. They open class is already dying. Participation is almost non existent. No one can buy straps anymore. Open should be what the name suggests, Open to anything allowed in any other class. Why would the bum bag and straps guys feel threatened by an old guy on bucket and sticks that wants to use more magnification? Leave the “magnification challenged” class alone and keep it growing at the rapid pace it has been. We can also save and grow the open class at the same time.
I'll duplicate my response here as well ..
First off I agree.
You say leave Hunter as-is but your suggestion of making bucket and sticks legal for Open class actually WOULD affect Hunter class. There would be an inversion in the numbers. Currently there is roughly 0-1 Open Class shooter for every 10-15 Hunter class shooters. Allowing buckets and sticks position in Open would reverse that.
IE, if guys could shoot from the more comfortable bucket and sticks position, WITH unlimited scope power, they'd absolutely flock to that class.
It could be the biggest class shake-up field target has seen since PCPs showed up.

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