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Time to combine Open and Hunter?

I think you're right I'm new to field target or was new I guess I should be correct since I don't actually participate Much anymore. Like Ron and I discussed and he said in his conversation he said Hunter class was originally intended for the beginner so they wouldn't feel overwhelmed by how much work they've got to do to get better. Basically not worrying about getting your butt kicked so bad. By putting those limitations it allows for someone to come in and participate with a marauder and UTG like Hepler did and some people still do not feel ashamed that they only got half and not the 50s the other people. But now in Hunter class as a new shooter who shows up and see guys running red wolves and crowns impacts raws with a S3 on top make some scratch their head

My point exactly. Since Hunter has become the field target, par for the course arms race, let's just fully embrace that and remove the scope restriction. And lump Open class together with them since they'd be using the same high power scopes at that point.
Sounds like this would be the beginner class that I've always heard Hunter was supposed to be.
by making it harder for people with budget guns to play the game? eliminating range marks and having to hope you eye ranged ok?

i'm sure that will work out REAL well then the 80x scopers are clearing courses and the KZs get smaller and smaller. no wonder new people wouldn't want to come play.

its always the people who have all the equipment that want to force everyone else to spend more money to be competitive, instead of giving up some of their fancy gear.
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by making it harder for people with budget guns to play the game? eliminating range marks and having to hope you eye ranged ok?

i'm sure that will work out REAL well then the 80x scopers are clearing courses and the KZs get smaller and smaller. no wonder new people wouldn't want to come play.

its always the people who have all the equipment that want to force everyone else to spend more money to be competitive, instead of giving up some of their fancy gear.

You misinterpreted that.

I was saying I'm in favor of a a true beginner class, like what Ron proposed as the "sportsman" class a few posts back. Current Hunter is absolutely NOT a beginner friendly class these days.
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You misinterpreted that.

I was saying I'm in favor of a a true beginner class, like what Ron proposed as the "sportsman" class a few posts back. Current Hunter is absolutely NOT a beginner friendly class these days.
I wouldn't call eyeball ranging a 3/8" kz beginner friendly...
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By making it impossible for those with $8000 rigs to dominate Hunter division, virtue of disqualifying them from Sportsman class.

no, they'll dominate EVENTS. and when there's 3 perfect scores/match - someone's going to demand higher T courses (already said upthread). basically tell anyone who doesn't have the fancy rig that they should be happy shooting 33% as this games is only for the big boys with big toys.
no, they'll dominate EVENTS. and when there's 3 perfect scores/match - someone's going to demand higher T courses (already said upthread). basically tell anyone who doesn't have the fancy rig that they should be happy shooting 33% as this games is only for the big boys with big toys.

No thanks. I'd rather tell them they have a new class that not only makes sense on multiple levels, but let's them play the game against like-minded and like-equipped competition.

But thanks for the suggestion anyway.

Killzone size doesn't matter you're not gonna be looking at that to guesstimate your distance you're gonna look at the face plate and stuff around it to get an idea then when you pull up the scope you can look at the Killzone


Are you actually suggesting it be done as many/most hunters do when hunting? :oops: If so, that insinuates Hunter division somehow relates to hunting. 🤯

Where would you get such an idea? :unsure:

Killzone size doesn't matter you're not gonna be looking at that to guesstimate your distance you're gonna look at the face plate and stuff around it to get an idea then when you pull up the scope you can look at the Killzone

Think about how many times you told ME what I'm going to do, and how zero times you suggested what people who want to buy more advantages will have to do.

And I don't call Hunters using $3000 scopes that out-rangefind Leapers by a mile beginner friendly.

Holdover and taping over range markings is much less beginner friendly than a perfect rangefinder.
Think about how many times you told ME what I'm going to do, and how zero times you suggested what people who want to buy more advantages will have to do.

Holdover and taping over range markings is much less beginner friendly than a perfect rangefinder.

Hunter division being shooting aids, accessories, gadgets and gizmos friendly, I'm not against letting the equipment freaks use rangefinders too. But Sportsman class is specifically NOT for equipment freaks. Rather, Sportsmen.

Next season I'll be running 4 test matches. The format will be 20fpe pcp, 20fpe springer, 12fpe pcp, 12fpe springer. There will be two targets per lane, two shots per target. They will be 40 shot matches. Timers will be used with 4min on the clock. The only restrictions are power level, really. You can bring any support equipment and accessories but only have 4min to set up and shoot. If you don't complete your lane in time no points for you!(might take that out).

I believe these types of trials are the way to vet changes to the game without the pressure or rules of an AAFTA match.

As a side, we'll established organizations have many concerns and considerations. After the hot and heavy rule change days(20??-2017), aafta seems weary, and very cautious about changes(good thing). So if you want to change or rearrange field target, start your own league. AAFTA won't change for You.

This is not finger pointing or a call out. It is an avenue for change. Thanks for the thread Cole.
There is nothing saying what rules an MD has to abide by, so MDs can host whatever setup they like just as your talking.
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Think about how many times you told ME what I'm going to do, and how zero times you suggested what people who want to buy more advantages will have to do.

Holdover and taping over range markings is much less beginner friendly than a perfect rangefinder.
I'm not telling you nothing I'm just saying if you look at a kill zone and think you're gonna be able to tell the distance by your eye you're crazy. You shoot whatever makes you happy and if you want more flimflam go right at it but don't knock the people that want a division that's more simpler and more along the lines of hunting what field target was originally designed for. What's wrong With that?
How many people would come back to shoot again after not hitting anything?
Just like in anything I guess they better practice more. You know I shot archery professionally for 15 years and when I got started there was none of this hocus-pocus known 45 crap. when I shot pro class you stepped up at the shooting stick looked at the target gave it your best guess and shot. Sometimes you were right sometimes you were wrong.
Hunter division being shooting aids, accessories, gadgets and gizmos friendly, I'm not against letting the equipment freaks use rangefinders too. But Sportsman class is specifically NOT for equipment freaks. Rather, Sportsmen.

in that way it makes a little sense. but making it harder (holover/rangefinding) and then adding in more tech to hunter means people will be getting higher scores. there will be more cleaned courses and shootoffs. when enough people clean lanes, and you cant separate 3 people with perfect scores, the next progression is to make higher difficulty courses to appease the tech crowd, while making it immensely harder for people without tech.

we enjoy the game by knocking down targets. making 42T standard courses and hampering the newbie class even more isn't fixing anything, and isn't beginner friendly, or likely to get people to want to come and shoot with a lower end sportster rifle that isnt grouping gnat's ass at 54 yards.
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Are you actually suggesting it be done as many/most hunters do when hunting? :oops: If so, that insinuates Hunter division somehow relates to hunting. 🤯

Where would you get such an idea? :unsure:

Id be curious to know how many airgun hunters there really are? By word from all states hunting licenses are down in sales dramatically over the last years.
I think there is a good amount of airgun pesters but actual hunters with licenses it has to be very minimal. My point is id not worry about the true definition of "hunter" and just see it more as a label.
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Sounds to me like we are talking about a problem that doesn't even exist yet.
How many clubs have shooters clearing the course each week? No matter the class.
I see some high scores typically but I don't see everyone shooting 58-60 consistently.
You guys do remember field target shooters are an extremely small group right? Really small.
Lets address an issue if one was to actually arise, until then, lets have fun shooting whatever class makes sense to us.