Tips for eradicating rats?

We own a small nursery. I've been out the previous weeks looking for critters with the ATN 4k on my Avenger and found none. But last night, rats destroyed several trays of seedlings. I'm talking $100's in damage. We've had traps out for weeks and caught nothing. I'm guessing this late cold snap has triggered them to come inside.

So tonight I'll be on rat patrol. I've got a 60" shooting bipod/shooting sticks, they work ok. Any tips on setting up one them and getting shots?

I removed a few from my backyard last week who were eating dog food. I got some suburban pacification done, but it was more of a "onesie" "twosie" kind of thing.


An IR triggered Arduino controlled trap baited with bird seeds killed 100% of the rats that have seen the trap. Over 80% of them in less than 30 mins that longest lasting one 1.5 days. The reason why this type of trap works so well is that the rat doesn't need to bite or eat anything, just be curious enough to poke its head inside and break the IR beam. Rats seem to love bird seeds and the bait doesn't spoil quickly or attack ants like other baits.