• The buying, selling, trading, or gifting of a standalone airgun moderator is no longer supported in the Classified section. An airgun moderator may be included in your ad ONLY if it is "affixed" to the airgun. Please review the updated Classified Rules and Known Scammers List before engaging in ANY transaction.

Tips Tricks & Reporting Scammers - Ad Status - Why Can't I Reply to Ads?

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Airgun Nation

Staff member
Aug 24, 2020
Colorado, United States
Feedback: 5 / 0 / 1
Tips, Tricks and Warnings

Most scammers operate via DM (Direct Message) only. But some of them are getting brave and posting publicly. Here are a few tips that may help you avoid them:

  • Visit the buyer/seller Profile to view the number of public posts they've made. Review their posts to determine whether their content is legitimate or just fluff.
  • View their Accuracy score. If they've been a helpful part of the community they will likely have a few (+) scores.
  • Search the Known Scammers List.
  • Search the Member Feedback section for their username. If the buyer/seller has not yet established a reputation on AGN, then we suggest you cautiously consider alternative sources such as: other forums, Amazon, Ebay, etc.
  • Ask the seller to provide a picture of themselves with the item they have for sale and a handwritten note that says "For Sale on AGN with the date". Be cautious as they can also read this and have been photoshopping these notes onto other sellers pictures.
  • Talk to the buyer/seller on the phone.  If the buyer/seller only wishes to deal via email, refuses to provide personal information, refuses to talk on the phone, refuses to share unique pictures, etc. then you should heed the signs.

Should you run into any questionable characters, please notify a Moderator/Administrator immediately. We will do our best to get back to you in a timely manner. Do NOT start a topic in the Classified section warning others! You may start a topic in the Member Feedback section, and then "Flag" it for the Moderators to see.

Changing the Status of Your Ad

We have noticed a very common mistake happening in the classifieds section. We have worked to make things as easy and streamlined as possible. 

When you list an ad, you have to choose what type of ad you are listing Eg: WTS, WTT, etc. 

When your item sells, is traded, or is no longer available, PLEASE DO NOT take the extra time to manually "write in" [SOLD] [NLA] etc. By doing so, you are not only spending time that you do not have to but, you're also holding an ad space from someone else. The system has been designed so that, a properly marked [SOLD] ad automatically drops down below all of the active ads. Using the system correctly is actually faster and easier! 

Once your item sells, simply open your ad using the "edit" function, 

Next, use the drop down menu to select SOLD

Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 7.46.20 PM.1608950795.png

Then, hit "Submit" and you're all done. It's that easy! 

As a reminder, DO NOT ERASE the details of your ad (Rule #10). If you do, your classifieds privileges could be revoked for a period of time and all your current ads removed. 

If your deal falls through, do not re-list your item, just send a moderator a PM. We'll be happy to unlock your ad for you at our earliest opportunity. 

Why can't I create a new topic in the Classified section?

We have implemented a 10 post minimum to deter the common scammer. We created this rule as the first step to help protect both the buyer & seller. The rule is embedded into the code and we cannot make "exceptions". Please familiarize yourself with the Classified Rules.

Reaching the 10 post minimum is a fairly easy task. Simply reply to any topic (or create your own). Your participation is appreciated.

Why can't I reply to any Classified Ads?

Check out the Classified Rules #7 & #10 that are highlighted in Yellow.

No one can reply to any type of ad. If you want to contact a seller then click on their username and "compose" a private message to them.

Why can't I send someone a Private Message?

You must have a minimum of 5 public posts or replies to access the Private Messaging system.

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