Tuning Titan spring/Diana 460 experiment - predictions wanted

Diana 460 spring swap results:

Today was a good day!

My friend Kevin of Pellets and Pistons fame and I pulled the .126 wire/30 coil ARH spring from my D460 and replaced it with a .128 wire/34 coil Titan #8. This swap went very well and restored OEM power (& more) while providing a good cocking and firing cycle.

Things that went well:
1. The Titan #8 was a good, tight fit on the OEM spring guide.
2. Although the Titan was long (right around 11 1/2 inches) and had 2 more coulis, there should have been enough capacity for stroke and preload, and there was, with about 1/2" to spare.
3. Also took a moment to adjust the T06 trigger, and to dress up the stock where the anti-bear trap lever had scuffed it at some point in the past.
4. Test firing - cocking stroke is smooth and clean, firing cycle is very quick. Kinda sharp, like an FWB Sport. The rifle is now making between 22 and 23 fpe, and doing it in style. The rifle is accurate, hitting small spinners at 60 yards consistently even though the rifle was only quickly and roughly sighted in.
It does take a bit more effort to cock now, but it still isn't a nightmare. My D350 takes more effort for sure. And considering the short cocking lever, I had worried that it would be worse. Between chronograph testing, sighting in twice, shooting groups and just having fun I probably fired 70+ shots in a couple of hours and I'm no worse for wear.

Things that could have been better:
Pellet selection. I was reminded that this particular Diana has a somewhat "loose" barrel but 5.53 H&N FTT's fit nicely where RWS Superfield 15.9's and Baracuda 18's did not. Pellet selection will be important for this rifle.
Also, I now pwonder if those low 16fpe velocities with the ARH spring could have been due to delayed pellet skirt sealing due to the large barrel bore and modest spring force.

2. Today didn't have to be quite so hot and humid! Man, I was a sweaty mess the while time!

Random thoughts: it probably wouldn't hurt to take a coil off this spring. I get the feeling that it would give the same performance but with less cocking force.
Also, I wonder if the power has made the rifle hold sensitive, but I will find that out another day.
Plus, the ARH seal probably only has 150 shots on it so far, and the rifle gave excellent numbers with the only proper fitting pellet. See below.