Epic To H*** with EPIC

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Does everything have to be spoonfed? I rarely see US retailers taking timezones into consideration for countries abroad. The way I see it, you made a mistake and are shifting the blame. Not only that, but you're blaming the wrong party. The shop in spain is just a retailer. If you looked into it properly before posting an an angry thread about it, you would've known that.
How would I have possibly known what time zone this sale was in? Would you have? There's nothing spoonfed about being told about the time zone, it helps to avoid confusion. Here in the good old US of A I have seen more than once, where they say "sale ends at 11:59 PST or EST". Or the price is in CAD or USD. I grew up in Europe where they never use the American system of time. Europe uses the 24 hour ,(military), time system. In America we never use military time unless of course you're in..... the military. If a Spanish company was going to advertise in America it just stands to reason that being 6 hour ahead it might be in their best interest to be clear as to when the sale ends.

Prior to considering buying I read up about it about the Wolfiek Group, (how did you know if I had or hadn't?), and was totally aware as to their location and all that. The one thing I made a mistake about was I thought that they were a legitimate representative of Epic since, and I quote from their website," As official representatives of EPIC we take pride in offering a curated selection of high-quality products to our customers worldwide." So I stand corrected, but I still think that they goofed up, not me.

Seems you're just trolling here and in a very insulting way. I don't think that I or anyone else needs this kind of input.
Typical. Instead of taking accountability, you instead conclude that I am "just trolling". I guess it's a lot easier than accepting valid critisism and just owning up to your mistake. Wolfiek is a European company. They have no obligation to you or your country. You should be glad that companies like Wolfiek, Krale, Huma-Air, etc take the effort to accomodate US customers to begin with. Because from my experience, the same cannot be said the other around.

I just checked a couple of the most prominent US dealers. None of them mention CET (Central European Time). Only timezones that are relevant within the US. They don't feature a language select or the option to view products in a different currency. Heck, most of them don't even ship to Europe to begin with.

Again, many European webshops do their best to take US customers into account. They are multi-language. They allow you to view prices in dollars. And they ship straight to your doorstep. But apparantly this is STILL not enough for you. Now we need to take your timezones into account too? Do you have any idea how entitled you sound?
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