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To who ever might be concerned


Apr 9, 2021
So thanks to the weird and wonderful internet, well that is i assume.
Yesterday i got a MSG in my post box that they tried to deliver a parcel while i was not home, this was a surprise as the only thing i am waiting for is a 41 kilo heavy compressor you will NOT fit in or even on top of my not small mail box.

So using my postal APP i scanned the bar code on the paper slip in my mail box, and found out it was a parcel from someone in Luxembourg.
That did not help in any way, so i took a look at my banking, and as far as i can see i have not done any sleep shopping, that would also be a first if that was the case.

Anyway today i went to the post office to pick up my mystery parcel, and its size and weight had me even more confused as i was sort of expecting a dashcam though most often i am told when someone send me a new system to test, but this was clearly not a dashcam for the collection.

So i was 50 yards down the street from the post office before i had to whip out my illegally carried pocket knife to see what the hell this was.
And i found out, but are now just even more confused, i can only assume that the company i ordered the compressor from also sent it, just strange the compressor come from Hong Kong but this gauge come from Luxenbourg.

This is what i found, and as a air gunner i can use it, just not any immediate plans as this is a surprise.


There was no papers in the parcel so i am totally at a loss here in that regard, but otherwise WIN as any free stuff are nice stuff.
So who ever it is, thank you very much.
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Well for a long time i have worked hard to at least zero the negative Karma account i did manage to rake up during my short phase as a low life parasite.
But some say it take at least 2 good deeds to chancel one bad deed, then again i have been at it for decades.

One possible problem might be if naughty thoughts count as bad Karma points, CUZ in that case i am doomed as the stupid in the world at least trigger mean thoughts in my mind, and this happen quite often.

PS. i might have to top up this gauge with fluid, IMO it is a bit low, will have to research what kind of fluid it might be.
Viscosity seem pretty thick.
Well i do not act on my nasty thought, CUZ then i would be in jail, but i do often wish for all manners of evil and pain to come upon some people.
Hell i have a chip in my windscreen, some times if someone drive like a idiot in front of me, i use that chip as a sight and call in a imaginary A-10 to take the offender out with the GAU-8

I was leaning towards Glycerin too, i think i heard it at some stage, and as it is a useless information my brain would store such things as i have opposite brain.
I have a feeling the gauge is for the compressor, it have a output gauge that is flat on top of the high pressure filter.

My compressor have reached UPS in Germany but are delayed there due to mechanical issues ( i sure hope it is not mechanical issues with my parcel like it have been dropped from a severe height ), so i recon next week i will see.

The different origin of the gauge and compressor still confuse me, but i do so respect anyone that will do whatever it take to deliver, its a trait i feel are lacking more and more in society here and the world in general.
Not had that happen on a airgun related thing.
But a huge tanker i once worked on, it had 2 huge Daihatsu AUX engines / power packs, and one of them regularly popped a fuel gauge, And OMG what a mess for me to first clean up and then replace.
Those suckers do not run on the same nice and clean diesel you have in your work truck,,,, Oooo no it is a lot blacker.
Ill be dammed if i can remember if that gauge had glycerine in it too, this was back in 1991 on MT Torm Kristina.
In her belly there was room for A LOT of gasoline, or rather when i was on here she had been on the same route for near a decade sailing Naphtha from Saudi Arabia to Japan

A plus for her though our route was favorable in regard to weather, was the indoor pool, just behind the bar, which back then in Torm ships still had alcohol in it, though back then i was already off alcohol so not that big of a deal for me.
Also i was permanently in the engine, so no semi drunk sailor for me to wake up after a shift, also due to that i had the weekends off, well unless something broke down or we was in / out of harbour.

One day we had to shut down and drift in the Indian ocean, a exhaust valve had a hole in it ( big enough to put a pinkie finger thru ) so all hands in the engine room to fix that.
That valve, it was like 7 - 8 inches in diameter, and the valve seating surface well a inch or so wide.
No big deal though 3-4 hours and we was on our way again, just put the replacement top on there and off we went with a massive 90 RPM

Real motors, you can count the RPM as there are always one cylinder that sound different or 1 thing in a stroke cycle, so a watch and counting is all you need to count the MAX RPM on these suckers.