My niece and g
reat nieces and nephew came to visit over Thanksgiving, haven't seen her in 21 years and never met the kids. My niece asked me if I had anything to shoot, she liked to help me handload when she was a small kid, I told her I did. She is an experienced shooter but the kids 10-8-3 never had but wanted to. I set up a table and targets, mostly coke cans, at 25 & 50 yards, my niece had no problem mastering the Huntsman and I showed the two older kids how to shoot and operate it, cocking the bolt gave them some issues but overall they did very well for the first time shooting, there we're very few misses! The 3 year old wanted to join in on the with a little help from mom...note whose finger is on the trigger...she also had her first "shooting" experience...I don't think they missed a single shot! That was one of the most enjoyable shooting sessions of my life, the pictures bring tears to my eyes every time I look at them. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving!