So many different scopes and brands on the market nowadays....I say too many,yea price point this....I know this, I will never buy the lower price point models of the same brand.....
Many years ago I had a couple of the lower price point Bushnell scopes=Not good,yet some people would say how good they were...What?
I think they never looked at the higher up Bushnell models ,those models were good....
We know many of the different scopes are the same with different coverings...been that way for decades,just do some research,like Pentax,Burris.
Japanese glass had to be good,then had good luck with Philippine models..maybe a few Korean.....
China scopes are all over the place,but one thing they have gotten better and better.....
I know some people that set up some Chinese connections,the bottom line is quality control,you have to stay on them....did I tell you about the Brazilian connection,no not my ex....forgetabout it.
So maybe there is some fact in the madness of buying oiewie scopes of the same kind to pick out the good ones...excuse me what a screwed up way of doing something.because you have to,you shouldn't have to and there are scopes made with high quality controls=$$$$
Yea ask yourself how many times you tried to save money only to spend more
Yes it is possible to get a Old scope that is a lot better than a new scope and spend the same or even less money...ok you buy used,but what scope,which model.....thing is there is certain guide lines that have to be met to pass,,,and get the golden stamp.
Wise to use all the resources available to educate yourself before buying...sure is plenty out there.
Does$$$$$= quality,it should.....some of the better Chinese scopes are too heavy....I always look at the weight and length of scopes.
I am older,I shot with iron sights,then I got a Marlin 66 and it came with a 4x scope,I got hooked.
Excuse the rambling thoughts of a wannabe in most things a standard should be a standard and not some compulsive system of shooting dice.LOL was just thinking about the saying of getting a second and third opinion before getting "that operation".
Many years ago I had a couple of the lower price point Bushnell scopes=Not good,yet some people would say how good they were...What?
I think they never looked at the higher up Bushnell models ,those models were good....
We know many of the different scopes are the same with different coverings...been that way for decades,just do some research,like Pentax,Burris.
Japanese glass had to be good,then had good luck with Philippine models..maybe a few Korean.....
China scopes are all over the place,but one thing they have gotten better and better.....
I know some people that set up some Chinese connections,the bottom line is quality control,you have to stay on them....did I tell you about the Brazilian connection,no not my ex....forgetabout it.
So maybe there is some fact in the madness of buying oiewie scopes of the same kind to pick out the good ones...excuse me what a screwed up way of doing something.because you have to,you shouldn't have to and there are scopes made with high quality controls=$$$$
Yea ask yourself how many times you tried to save money only to spend more

Yes it is possible to get a Old scope that is a lot better than a new scope and spend the same or even less money...ok you buy used,but what scope,which model.....thing is there is certain guide lines that have to be met to pass,,,and get the golden stamp.
Wise to use all the resources available to educate yourself before buying...sure is plenty out there.
Does$$$$$= quality,it should.....some of the better Chinese scopes are too heavy....I always look at the weight and length of scopes.
I am older,I shot with iron sights,then I got a Marlin 66 and it came with a 4x scope,I got hooked.
Excuse the rambling thoughts of a wannabe in most things a standard should be a standard and not some compulsive system of shooting dice.LOL was just thinking about the saying of getting a second and third opinion before getting "that operation".