I probably rebuilt about 8 over the last year and a half, for myself, son and grandson. I di"ld replace the foam wiper with some teflon rings. I found the rebuild/seal kits on ebay. Theory is that a a stack of the teflon rings will hold and disperse oil, and they seem to be working and willl not break down like foam. A for oil, it's not going to hurt, Too much will drip out, maybe make a little mess. THe gun creates pressure and not enough rather slowly so no chance of dieseling. I do not know about the PCP type guns, but the spring air type guns can diesel or burn or explode excess oil and cause damage to piston seals and that is because they create high pressure very fast which creates a lot of heat rapidly, exactly like a diesel engine, hence the term dieseling.
In your case it is rather unlikely that enough oil will get past the piston seal to cause problems. That seal will wipe back and pick up a very little bit of oil left by the foam wiper. I would shoot it a bit and see how "erratic" it is and if it does not get better. Test over a chronograph and see if it gives consistant velocity.